วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hard Money Lenders in Cleveland Ohio Area

What is a Hard Money Lender?

A Hard Money lender is an individual or a small company who lends to individuals with special needs to purchase their homes. These money lenders lend to those individuals who would find it difficult to get a home loan elsewhere. Hard money lenders will normally lend at a significantly higher interest rate and would normally lend money only when they feel that there is enough equity in the house which if the debtor defaults can be sold and recover the loans.

That sounds scary

Hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area are not loan sharks so you don’t need to worry about broken bones if you end up defaulting. These are just shrewd individuals who are filling in a gap which exists currently in the home loan industry. For instance traditional home loan lenders are wary of giving loans in a remote place say building a cabin near the Yosemite National park, this is where the Hard Money lender will step in.

Having said that, the interest rate will be quite steep, most probably in double digits and they would require around 40-50% equity of your own so that if it comes to foreclosure their part of the money is safe and they can recover it.

A few tips on finding the Hard Money Lenders

Hard Money lenders are normally difficult to find and if you use these tips it will help you to locate them:

  1. They look to operate within a given geographic distance so that they can check out the property themselves and make sure. So if you want to look for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area, you should look up the local classifieds and look for listings like “Trouble Finding a loan? Call us, Private Money Available”
  2. You can call up the mortgage brokers in and around the Ohio area and ask if they have any contacts of private investors who will be willing to put up money.
  3. You can look up the web and you will find links to various sites which will point you towards hard money lenders. For instance loans-only.com or REIclub are websites which purely has listing of Hard money lenders where you can seek out hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area.
  4. L2P Network looks like a starting point for anyone looking for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area and here you can get the contact numbers of various people for this purpose and who can then further lead you to the right people once they understand exactly what it is you are looking for.
  5. Mercury Capital and Kennedy Capital are two other sources if you require funds greater than a million dollars. They have hard money loans which cover the entire country including Ohio.
  6. Spread the word around and look out for middle men. Normally one is advised to avoid middle men but in this case it is better as they are actively seeking people who have money to invest and people who need money to loan out and may be able to help you out albeit a commission.
Is there anything I should be careful about?

One is you should be careful of some guys who will try to trick you into some sort of a deal where in it becomes very difficult for you to pay and you end up in foreclosure. A good idea is to keep in mind that you should have 35% of the property as equity in order to take care of the 12% - 18% that is normally charged on these loans.

Second is you must be careful about the repayment and at the first sign of trouble you should contact your lender and try and sort out a deal to avoid foreclosure.

Author - Bill Darken - There's a good student loan area along with more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, see it here at hard money lenders or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - loans-only.com.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Clip Wallets To The Rescue

A wallet is very handy keeper of personal items such as pictures, cards, coins, and most especially paper money. There are many types of wallet available in the market today, depending on the use, the type of material, and the design. The usual folding wallet contains a transparent film for the picture, a few pockets to keep discount or specialty cards, a button pocket to keep the coins, and a wide pocket for the paper money.

And then there's money clip: made from a steel flattened into two folds to form a clip. It is available in different sizes of silver or chrome-plated steel. However, compared to a wallet, a money clip has only one use: to clip paper money.

Through the years, the money clip and the wallet has been used interchangeably as a fashion accessory so it is not a surprise that wallet-makers eventually integrated these two useful products into one. The resulting product? Money clip wallets.

Money clip wallets are perfect gifts to buy for new-age gentleman. A money clip and wallet in one, it has its benefits and advantage over both the wallet or the money clip.

Easier To Use

Money clip wallets are as stylish and elegant as regular money keepers. They store cash or cards in such a compact fashion that they are relatively easier to use than a simple wallet or a money clip alone.

The clip in a money clip wallet can be used inside or outside of it. If it is integrated on the outer leather of the wallet, you will be surprised at how convenient it is when you need to get a couple of bucks. Just reach for your money clip wallet, snap the clip open, and a few rolls of dollars are within your fingertips. On the other hand, if it is integrated inside, it will serve as an additional keeper of extra money.

When clipping paper money, you must roll it for a more compact clipping. You do not have to worry about your bills causing your wallet to bulge because money clip wallets were designed to allow clipping of a number of bills without compromising the thickness of the wallet when it is placed inside your back pocket.

Fashionable Yet Practical

Money clips can often be seen in Mafia movies. Since Mafia movies portray gangsters as gentlemen, what better accessory to accompany their suits but using money clips. The color of stainless steel will readily complement their cuff links. They are accessories of fashion more than they are accessories to keep their paper bills.

Money clip wallets, on the other hand, preserves the fashion sense while at the same time applying practicality. In the real world, you have more personal effects than money. You have your IDs, such as driver's or SSN license, membership cards and other important things you need to keep with you everywhere you go. It will take more than a money clip to secure them.

Want to learn more about money clip wallets and magnetic money clip? Or a find out which style of cufflinks best suit your needs? Then visit ExecutiveGiftShop.com today!

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Mastery Is A Choice

What does 'financial independence' mean to you? Is it about money? Or success? Maybe to you financial independence is about freedom. We all define financial independence in our own way based on our unique beliefs and feelings which are grounded in conditioning, experience and childhood lessons.

So what's your money situation now? Are you happy where you are or are you struggling just to pay your bills? Do you feel frustrated like so many others because you can't get ahead and stay there? Do you feel like there are rules to the game that no one told you.

No matter how you answer these questions, whatever your situation with money is now, however you've managed your money in the past - it can all be changed and it can be changed beginning now. If you're not happy with where you are in your financial well being, now is the time to look at what's holding you back and decide you're ready to make new choices.
Achieving financial independence is a process that involves more than learning how to invest wisely. Anybody can do the mechanics of earning, saving, and investing. That's the easy part. If you don't begin with what's inside - what's in your mind - mastering the mechanics of money won't make a difference. As with almost everything else in life, your attitude about money is everything when it comes to financial independence. Change your attitude - your thinking - and you can change your life.

There is a process for changing your thinking and it begins with an honest evaluation of your thoughts and behaviors about money. Take a little mental journey into your past and identify as many messages as you can about what you were told or observed about money. Was money even discussed in your home? Did your family live with a scarcity mentality or was there evidence of the abundance of the Universe? How did you manage your money when you were younger? What patterns are you continuing now?

We are creatures of habit and what you learned is probably the habit you are living now. There's no right or wrong about your habits. The question to ask yourself is, 'Am I getting the results I want?' If you're really honest with yourself in this first step, you can begin identifying some of what's holding you back from your success.

As you're identifying the lessons you learned, also notice the feelings that come up for you. Do you feel guilt or shame? Maybe you have fear associated with money? Or anger? Are there self-worth feelings that come up for you? These feelings are key to your understanding of yourself and your financial condition. Your feelings are a direct result of your thoughts. So if your feelings are in any way limiting you, you can change them by changing your thoughts.

Sounds simple enough and, yes, it is that simple to understand. It's even that simple to do, only the change won't happen overnight.

Here's something you can start doing immediately to change your thinking:

Years ago, the Shick Center used aversion therapy on people who wanted to quit smoking or lose weight. It's a very effective technique and you can use it to begin changing your thinking about money (or anything else.) Get a wide rubber band and put it on your wrist. Whenever you catch yourself having one of those negative thoughts, snap the rubber band against your wrist. (Make sure you pull the rubber band out far enough so when you snap it, it hurts.) For each negative thought, create the opposite positive, supportive thought. After you've snapped your wrist, tenderly rub it, think the positive thought and install the new thinkingt into your mind to replace the negative one. You can speed the process up by intentionally thinking the negative thoughts and snapping your wrist several time with the same statement. Always install the positive thoughts after snapping your wrist. The intention with this exercise is to re-program your mind and your thinking. Wear the rubber band for 30 days and keep snapping until your thinking changes. I guarantee your mind will stop thinking the negative thoughts.

Another action you can begin now is in learning to manage your money. The biggest difference between people who are financially successful and people who aren't is in the amount of time they spend managing their money. People who are not financially successful spend no time managing their money and most often are avoiding their whole financial situation. Rich people spend 20 to 30 minutes every day managing their money. How much do you spend?

Begin by taking a realistic look at your finances. Write it all down. How much do you earn? How much do you spend? What are you spending your money on? How much do you owe and to whom? What are your monthly payments? Avoiding it won't make it go away and if you don't know the details, you'll never be able to manage it. If you want to be rich, start doing what the rich people do.

Make sure you balance your checkbook every month. Open the mail when it comes in and schedule your bill-paying time. Begin a plan for saving on a consistent basis - start that habit now. The amount you save is not as important as the fact that you do it consistently. You are establishing another new habit with this action.

In the beginning of the process you may not have enough money to manage to spend 20 minutes a day on. So use the time for your financial education. Begin learning about money by reading or taking classes. Your intention is to begin acting like the rich and to establish a new habit for yourself.

Here's one more little bit of wisdom I find to be very powerful: The Universe doesn't know the difference in the denominations of the money we deal with in the physical world. To the Universe, a penny is the same as a thousand dollars - it's all money. And the Universe doesn't give us more of what we don't manage in our life. So if you're not managing your money, why would you expect to get more?

An extension of that: When you walk by a penny on the street, do you pick it up or walk by because it's not worth bending over to pick up a single penny? If you walk by it, the Universe interprets that to mean you don't need more money - the Universe sees a penny as money, not just one cent. From now on, when you find money, no matter the denomination, pick it up and thank the Universe for it's abundance.

There's a simplicity to creating financial independence and living in abundance that's revealed when we get out of our own way. You can begin the process anytime. If you're looking for a change in your financial situation, start the process now. Or you can stay where you are and continue struggling - the choice is yours.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity, http://www.feelgoodguide.com, has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. ([http://www.leadingedgecoaching.com/Living/index.shtml]) Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching, http://www.leadingedgecoaching.com

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Use Your Money to Make More Money

Do you know that there are ONLY two ways to make money?

  1. FIRST METHOD TO MAKE MONEY: This is an obvious method - you go to work and trade your hours of labour for money. This is what the greatest percentage of the population does. If this is ALL that you do to make money then you are constrained by the number of hours that you work and the hourly rate that you are paid. If you are on a set hourly rate then even if you could work all the 168 hours in every week you would never be able to get ahead. So, really, all you can do is to try to find a job with a better hourly rate. In reality, this is time working AGAINST you. If you don't commit the hours you will not get the return (pay packet).

  2. SECOND METHOD TO MAKE MONEY: This is the best, easiest and most lucrative way to make money. You save some of what you earn then you INVEST it to make more money. SMART people use this method.

Now, assuming that you are more than acquainted with the first method - And let's face it. Who isn't? - let's take a look at the second money making method - investing.

When you invest in something you supply a certain number of dollars to a program in the expectation that the program will multiply that money over time to make more money. In effect, time will work FOR you rather than against you.

So, how do we make money using this second method? How do we invest?

There are many forms of investing money. Examples of this are:

  1. compound interest (money in the bank),

  2. precious metals (gold, silver)

  3. real estate (bricks and mortar)

  4. shares (in companies)

  5. business (as the owner NOT the employee)

  6. collectables (such as art or rare stamps or coins)

  7. anything that is rare and valuable (almost anything that is rare is valuable)

  8. new technology (the latest gizmos and gadgets)

  9. products that are duplicatable (CD's, books, reports etc)

The best thing that you can do to get out of the 9 to 5 rat-race of trading your labour hours for money is to SAVE some of the money that you are paid and INVEST it wisely. Eventually, over time, you will make more money through your investments than you will by working hours. Then, when your investments are creating enough money and wealth, you will be able to give up work forever. Wouldn't that be nice? Well, you can do it. All you need to do is make a decision, educate yourself and start.

To discover more about using money to make more money visit: NET WEALTH.

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Monster Money Maker - Create the Ultimate Money Making Machine

Are you hungry for a rip-roaring tummy filling solution to your January Cash Flow Issues? You've come to the right place. Monster money maker has a big solution, called the ultimate money making machine. Are you ready?

Don't you just hate those fast start sales lead-ins that attempt to drive you to the website? Me too. But, they work. So, let's move on to the part where we fill up your tummy.

1. Lead Generation

Article Marketing works. You could stop reading right there and you'd have a prime bit of meat for your plate, but let's continue to add on some lead generation tools that will build your business online. A squeeze or capture page grabs signatures and emails from those who are interested in your topic. Let's face it, if the reader isn't going to give you their email, based on the link to your website and the information you provide, they won't give you their credit card later.

2. Keyword Domination.

Dominate your niche with keyword optimized content and use passive income streams. Infiltrating your articles and content with keyword domination, maximizes the effectiveness of your website, your article marketing, and your efforts at building a niche online. If your articles pack a punch with keyword optimized content, they sell well, they grab readers, and they drive results.

3. Provide Solutions.

Everybody on the Internet has a problem of one kind or another, so give them a solution. Provide solutions to the readers in your niche market and you've got a strong arm on their pockets. You can wrangle a jingle out of their pockets easier if you've already offered them a solution, than if you've just caterwauled their problem to death. Provide solutions.

A strong marketing list is the solution to your money issues. If you're still worrying the how to make money question, you've missed the point. You need a list. Once you create a list of marketing prospects, you've begun the process that will ultimately result in your making money online.

For more information about how to build your list, go to http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and sign up for Two FREE Article Templates and the ADvertiZe ezine today. You'll receive frequent tips and messages about monster money solutions.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money and Happiness

A friend of mine, Steve Moeller, did research on the science of happiness. He gathered information to write a book about what really makes people happy. He gave me permission to share some excerpts with you from an article he wrote for Investment Advisor magazine. I found his thoughts very interesting, and hope you will too.

The assumption that more money will make us happier is etched into our consciousness. Happiness is something we all want; it's the holy grail of Western civilization. Biologists have recently proven that all higher species from lizards up to humans are biologically programmed to pursue pleasure and positive emotions. It's a basic subconscious drive that all creatures have. Everything we do, we do because we consciously or unconsciously believe that it will make us happy.

That more money will lead directly to more happiness is such a basic assumption that most people never stop to question it. When researchers at the University of Michigan asked research subjects what would improve the quality of their lives, the majority of the respondents said "more money."

The assumption that more money will bring us more happiness is etched into our consciousness, championed by our culture, promoted with billions of dollars of advertising each year, and institutionalized in our public policy. And it is still the primary promise of benefits that many investment advisors focus on. But is it true?

"Happiness" researchers have conducted more than 150 surveys all over the world with more than a 1 million participants. Let's take a look at what they have learned.

Since the end of WWII the purchasing power of American households has tripled. New homes are now twice as big as they were after the war, we have twice as many cars per person, and we eat out more often. The average American now lives much better than most of the kings and queens throughout history.

So are we happier? No!

This spectacular increase in wealth has had almost no positive effective on our society's happiness. In fact, from 1957 to 1996 the proportion of people telling the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center that they are "very happy" declined slightly (from 35% to 30%.) Over the same time period; divorce doubled, the prison population quintupled and major depression rose tenfold, turning it into the fourth most common debilitating disease. America's not alone; Europe and Japan have experienced the same basic trends.

One of the happiness researchers' more noteworthy findings came from a survey of Forbe's 400 wealthiest Americans. These cent millionaires and billionaires were asked to rate their life satisfaction from "extremely dissatisfied" (1) to "extremely satisfied" (7). Surprisingly, the respondents' average rating was 5.7, only slightly above the average rating.

But here's the really interesting part. Masai tribesmen from Kenya in East Africa also participated in the life satisfaction survey. Although they live in huts made out of dirt and cow dung, herd cattle for a living, have no electricity or running water, and don't have any money, they also rated themselves a 5.7 in the life satisfaction scale.

Quite a few studies now show that believing that money is more important than other values-like relationships with loved ones, spirituality, a feeling that your life is contributing to the greater good-is actually detrimental to happiness. Clearly there's more to happiness than wealth, luxury and material comforts.

So, how much is the right amount of money to maximize our happiness? Here's the bottom line from the scientific research on happiness-once we have enough money to pay for life's basics like food, clothing and housing, more money has very little impact on our happiness.

More money does buy more happiness and well-being if you are poor, and increases fairly quickly until you achieve a solid middle class income. But research shows once your household income reaches the middle class range, increased income has a diminishing positive impact on your happiness and well-being.

The point is, above a certain income level, which isn't by any means "wealthy", additional income alone has almost no impact on our happiness. And depending on the price you pay to earn it, more income could even reduce your quality of life.

In fact, a large and growing number of studies support happiness researcher Ed Diener's comment that, "Materialism is toxic for happiness." But most Americans don't seem to believe this.

Why, if we tell researchers that more money doesn't make us happier, do we chase it so hard? We could blame it on advertisers and the media, two giant institutions that have a vested interest in having us consume more and more stuff each year. But there is another, more subtle villain; the subconscious workings of our brain.

Psychologists have developed a term "hedonic treadmill" to describe humans adaptation to more wealth and material goods. So if you get a new car, you will be happier for a while, but then you will adapt, and so think it's normal. In order to maintain the same level of happiness through consumption, you must continually buy new things. This is what the concept of "retail therapy" is all about. Adaptation is great for the economy, but bad for you and your financial security.

As an investment advisor, I often work with people who believe that more money will buy them more happiness. As evidenced by this article, in reality, I should help clients determine what will really make them happy and then determine how much income their ideal life will require. It may be a lot less than they originally thought.

Dave Young, President and founder of Paragon Wealth Management, has helped his clients enhance their financial well-being since he began managing money in 1986. He was his first client after he sold his 12 franchise businesses and couldn't find a traditional brokerage firm to meet his needs.

From his personal investment experience, he knew there was a better option to managing money. Later that year, he started his own investment firm. When he avoided the 1987 stock market crash, his methods sparked a lot of interest.

Today, this undiscovered money manager in Utah currently manages 60 million dollars plus for 150 clients.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How Can a Teenager Make Money Online - 5 Suggestions

How can a teenager make money online? Regardless of why you want to make extra money one thing is for sure, teenagers are usually broke and could use any little boost to help them make some extra money. I mean you want to have a decent car, and be able to take someone out on a decent date right? Well hopefully you can implement one of these methods to help you earn some extra money.

1. The first method for a teenager to make money online is to offer some kind of product or service in an area you are familiar with. This could be cars, baseball cards, comic, etc. If you are good at something or knowledgeable about something you can guarantee that their is someone out there interested in your expertise.

2. Sell products on ebay. Find stuff in your parents attic that they do not need anymore and sell it! This could be a great way to generate an extra few hundred bucks. Just make sure that your parents don't mind you selling their stuff.

3. Put an advertisement for a company on your car or truck. Often times companies will pay people to put their company logo on your car because the company sees it as a form of cheap advertising. The only draw back of this is that it can make your car ugly and no teen wants that!

4. Try to be an affiliate marketer. You do not need a website to do this however it is somewhat difficult to be successful without your own website. But you can give it a try its free!

5. The best way that a teenager can make money online is to buy a domain name and set up a website. Now there are some start up costs associated with this but it can be lucrative if done correctly! Also learning basic programming code can triple your profits easily. You see there is a little known code that you can implement into your webpage code that can drastically increase your profits. It takes less than five minutes to implement and virtually runs itself!

Matt Lord is an affiliate marketer interested in helping others succeed and make money online. for more information on what he believes is the easiest opportunity on the web visit. [http://www.marketingprimetime.com]

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