วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money and Happiness

A friend of mine, Steve Moeller, did research on the science of happiness. He gathered information to write a book about what really makes people happy. He gave me permission to share some excerpts with you from an article he wrote for Investment Advisor magazine. I found his thoughts very interesting, and hope you will too.

The assumption that more money will make us happier is etched into our consciousness. Happiness is something we all want; it's the holy grail of Western civilization. Biologists have recently proven that all higher species from lizards up to humans are biologically programmed to pursue pleasure and positive emotions. It's a basic subconscious drive that all creatures have. Everything we do, we do because we consciously or unconsciously believe that it will make us happy.

That more money will lead directly to more happiness is such a basic assumption that most people never stop to question it. When researchers at the University of Michigan asked research subjects what would improve the quality of their lives, the majority of the respondents said "more money."

The assumption that more money will bring us more happiness is etched into our consciousness, championed by our culture, promoted with billions of dollars of advertising each year, and institutionalized in our public policy. And it is still the primary promise of benefits that many investment advisors focus on. But is it true?

"Happiness" researchers have conducted more than 150 surveys all over the world with more than a 1 million participants. Let's take a look at what they have learned.

Since the end of WWII the purchasing power of American households has tripled. New homes are now twice as big as they were after the war, we have twice as many cars per person, and we eat out more often. The average American now lives much better than most of the kings and queens throughout history.

So are we happier? No!

This spectacular increase in wealth has had almost no positive effective on our society's happiness. In fact, from 1957 to 1996 the proportion of people telling the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center that they are "very happy" declined slightly (from 35% to 30%.) Over the same time period; divorce doubled, the prison population quintupled and major depression rose tenfold, turning it into the fourth most common debilitating disease. America's not alone; Europe and Japan have experienced the same basic trends.

One of the happiness researchers' more noteworthy findings came from a survey of Forbe's 400 wealthiest Americans. These cent millionaires and billionaires were asked to rate their life satisfaction from "extremely dissatisfied" (1) to "extremely satisfied" (7). Surprisingly, the respondents' average rating was 5.7, only slightly above the average rating.

But here's the really interesting part. Masai tribesmen from Kenya in East Africa also participated in the life satisfaction survey. Although they live in huts made out of dirt and cow dung, herd cattle for a living, have no electricity or running water, and don't have any money, they also rated themselves a 5.7 in the life satisfaction scale.

Quite a few studies now show that believing that money is more important than other values-like relationships with loved ones, spirituality, a feeling that your life is contributing to the greater good-is actually detrimental to happiness. Clearly there's more to happiness than wealth, luxury and material comforts.

So, how much is the right amount of money to maximize our happiness? Here's the bottom line from the scientific research on happiness-once we have enough money to pay for life's basics like food, clothing and housing, more money has very little impact on our happiness.

More money does buy more happiness and well-being if you are poor, and increases fairly quickly until you achieve a solid middle class income. But research shows once your household income reaches the middle class range, increased income has a diminishing positive impact on your happiness and well-being.

The point is, above a certain income level, which isn't by any means "wealthy", additional income alone has almost no impact on our happiness. And depending on the price you pay to earn it, more income could even reduce your quality of life.

In fact, a large and growing number of studies support happiness researcher Ed Diener's comment that, "Materialism is toxic for happiness." But most Americans don't seem to believe this.

Why, if we tell researchers that more money doesn't make us happier, do we chase it so hard? We could blame it on advertisers and the media, two giant institutions that have a vested interest in having us consume more and more stuff each year. But there is another, more subtle villain; the subconscious workings of our brain.

Psychologists have developed a term "hedonic treadmill" to describe humans adaptation to more wealth and material goods. So if you get a new car, you will be happier for a while, but then you will adapt, and so think it's normal. In order to maintain the same level of happiness through consumption, you must continually buy new things. This is what the concept of "retail therapy" is all about. Adaptation is great for the economy, but bad for you and your financial security.

As an investment advisor, I often work with people who believe that more money will buy them more happiness. As evidenced by this article, in reality, I should help clients determine what will really make them happy and then determine how much income their ideal life will require. It may be a lot less than they originally thought.

Dave Young, President and founder of Paragon Wealth Management, has helped his clients enhance their financial well-being since he began managing money in 1986. He was his first client after he sold his 12 franchise businesses and couldn't find a traditional brokerage firm to meet his needs.

From his personal investment experience, he knew there was a better option to managing money. Later that year, he started his own investment firm. When he avoided the 1987 stock market crash, his methods sparked a lot of interest.

Today, this undiscovered money manager in Utah currently manages 60 million dollars plus for 150 clients.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How Can a Teenager Make Money Online - 5 Suggestions

How can a teenager make money online? Regardless of why you want to make extra money one thing is for sure, teenagers are usually broke and could use any little boost to help them make some extra money. I mean you want to have a decent car, and be able to take someone out on a decent date right? Well hopefully you can implement one of these methods to help you earn some extra money.

1. The first method for a teenager to make money online is to offer some kind of product or service in an area you are familiar with. This could be cars, baseball cards, comic, etc. If you are good at something or knowledgeable about something you can guarantee that their is someone out there interested in your expertise.

2. Sell products on ebay. Find stuff in your parents attic that they do not need anymore and sell it! This could be a great way to generate an extra few hundred bucks. Just make sure that your parents don't mind you selling their stuff.

3. Put an advertisement for a company on your car or truck. Often times companies will pay people to put their company logo on your car because the company sees it as a form of cheap advertising. The only draw back of this is that it can make your car ugly and no teen wants that!

4. Try to be an affiliate marketer. You do not need a website to do this however it is somewhat difficult to be successful without your own website. But you can give it a try its free!

5. The best way that a teenager can make money online is to buy a domain name and set up a website. Now there are some start up costs associated with this but it can be lucrative if done correctly! Also learning basic programming code can triple your profits easily. You see there is a little known code that you can implement into your webpage code that can drastically increase your profits. It takes less than five minutes to implement and virtually runs itself!

Matt Lord is an affiliate marketer interested in helping others succeed and make money online. for more information on what he believes is the easiest opportunity on the web visit. [http://www.marketingprimetime.com]

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Money Should You Use First In Retirement?

Most successful retirees will have three sources of money for retirement:

  1. Qualified: IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Thrift Savings Plan, etc. that they contributed to during their working years for use during retirement. Income taxes have not yet been paid.

  2. Social Security: Virtually every private-sector worker is eligible for Social Security during their retirement years. Also, a non-working spouse of a qualifying worker is generally eligible to receive at least one-half of what the working spouse qualifies for at normal retirement age.

  3. Savings and investments: These are your other savings you've set aside for retirement or to pass on to the next generation. This pool of money is sometimes called non-qualified money because income taxes have mostly been paid or lower tax rates apply - for example capital gain taxes or taxes on stock dividends.

Two of these sources have age restrictions. Social Security can be taken as early as age 62 (earlier if disabled or there are other special circumstances) and should be started no later than age 70 because this is age when benefits peak based on the mortality tables. You are generally penalized for using your qualified money before age 59-1/2; however, there are numerous exceptions. You must start withdrawing a minimum amount from your qualified retirement money when you reach age 70-1/2. Of course, you can convert your qualified retirement money to a Roth IRA which allows you more latitude in its use. You can use your non-qualified savings and investments at any age or you can bequeath these moneys to others at your death.

What about taxes? Your Social Security benefits will always receive favorable tax treatment. Of course, the more income you have the greater will be the income taxes on your Social Security benefits. But, under current law Social Security benefits are always tax favored. Your qualified retirement money will be taxed at your normal income tax rate when you begin to withdraw it - and remember you must start taking required distributions at age 70-1/2. You can convert your qualified money to a Roth IRA and pay the taxes all at once and then enjoy tax-free income indefinitely into the future. Converting to a Roth IRA makes sense for some but not other; therefore, you'll want to get professional advice before converting to a Roth IRA. Your non-qualified savings and investments generally have the least amount of taxes due when used because you've already paid income taxes or they receive special treatment such as capital gains or dividend income.

What happen at your death? For Social Security, your spouse will be eligible to get the greater of what he or she qualified for on their own or as your dependent OR whatever the deceased spouse was receiving. This spousal benefits is very important because it will be received as long as the surviving spouse lives - which could be a very long period of time. If the deceased spouse elected to postpone Social Security until age 70, that means the surviving spouse will get a much larger amount than if the decreased spouse started early at age 62. For qualified money such as IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc. it can generally be passed tax free to the surviving spouse, or others, and they will pay taxes at their normal rate. Generally payout must occur over their remaining lifetime. There are methods whereby you can stretch payout if left to non-spousal heirs and I encourage you to speak with your financial advisor about this if you do not plan to use all your qualified money during your lifetime. Your non-qualified savings and investments are part of your estate and can pass to whomever you elect at your death. I'll not comment on the tax consequences of these money but will encourage you to get professional advice from a financial planner, attorney and CPA if you have a sizable estate that will pass to others at your death. This is very important if you wish to prevent the Government from being your beneficiary.

Now that I've set the stage, which of your money should be used first in retirement? Of course it depends on your individual circumstances but the average retiree that can afford to postpone Social Security until age 70 will generally benefit. Why? Because, the money is always tax-favored so you want a relatively larger portion of your retirement money to come from Social Security. Since Social Security benefits grow about 8% for each year postponed PLUS a cost of living adjustment (making total growth about 11% annually), you can't beat this rate of return with any other safe money investment. Add to this exceptional growth the spousal benefits and the lower tax rates and you have a powerful reason to postpone Social Security for as long as possible. I know, you're worried about dying before you reach the break-even age of about 80 - remember the spousal benefit and look at the mortality tables. You'll find that there is almost a certainty that one or both of the average married retirees will live into their 90's which is well beyond break-even age. So, contrary to conventional wisdom, postpone your Social Security if you can afford to - especially if the wife is a few years younger than the husband and the husband was the principal breadwinner. What, you're worried that Social Security will be eliminated by Congress? Think about the 50 million now getting Social Security benefits and 78 million more (the baby boomers) now turning Social Security age! That a powerful voting block that Congress knows will vote them out of office if they tamper with Social Security too much. Social Security is not going anywhere - it will be available for the remainder of your life.

Okay, so you postpone Social Security: what about your qualified money like IRA, 401(k), etc.? You know that 100% of your withdrawals will be subjected to ordinary income taxes...and they'll also help determine the income taxes you'll pay on Social Security benefits. No tax breaks here. Which way to you think income taxes are headed? Me too - higher and higher because of a sea of red ink from national debt, rising deficits and excessive federal expenditures which will continue unabated. So, by taking this money first you (a) will pay lower taxes now rather than higher taxes later and (b) you'll be taking less of this money later when Social Security benefits starts, meaning you'll pay fewer taxes on these benefits. Of course, if you think taxes are going to go down (are you crazy?), you might conclude this sequence of use is backwards. But, you'd be wrong if you run the numbers as I did in my publication The Guide to Social Security...and A Better Retirement. (link below).

What about the your non-qualified savings and investments? You should use these to bridge the income gap as needed and for emergencies. Again, if you have more money than you'll need in retirement, get professional help so that taxes can be minimized when this money passes to your heirs at your death.

In the past year there has emerged a lot of chatter about delaying Social Security...and the conventional wisdom of taking it first (which almost three-fourth of Americans do) is dead wrong. You don't agree? Well, remember that at one time the conventional wisdom said the earth was flat, but we know different now. At one time the conventional wisdom was take Social Security at age 62 but we now know that is wrong for most folks. If you started early and it was a mistake, I wonder what other financial mistakes you've make with your retirement money? If you're wondering too, I recommend you get professional help so you can have a better retirement.

Here are some links that support the foregoing analyses:




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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best Ways to Make Money Fast

There are almost thousands of ways to make money fast, ranging from the outright risky to the risky yet profitable means of making money. Remember if you want to make money fast you will need to make quick yet profitable investments. Since you aren't rich yet, you can't invest in property, or start a money laundering operation. What you need to do is to start from the bottom and work your way up, which might require time if you haven't done this kind of thing before.

In my opinion the stock market is a great place for people to start making money fast. They don't need to wait, as the stock market fluctuates many times rising and falling giving people an opportunity to buy low and sell high. However if you want to make money in the stock market you will need to learn about stocks. You need to know which businesses are doing well and have a chance of rising in the future, this will give you some insight into what stocks you should buy. Take your time to do the research involved, and study which stocks should be profitable in the near future.

The point of the stock market is to really buy up stocks that have a probability of rising. As the stock rises, you make money, at which point you can decide to sell your stocks and buy other stocks at a lower price, this cycle of buying and selling is how people make money fast in the stock market.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars in the next 10 minutes and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a "Rags to riches" story that is remarkable - Free! Quickest-way-to-make-money-on-earth.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Making Money Off the Internet With Internet Data Entry Jobs

These days, you really cannot depend solely on your pay check because no matter how many extra hours you put into your work, there just doesn't seem to be enough money for you as well as your family to get by.

The trick to stay afloat in this economy is by tapping into all possible resources that you have at your disposal, and one such resource is the internet.

Making money off the internet with internet data entry jobs is very popular right now because it is quite easy to pull off, and the best part is that you do not need a very large capital in order to start a data entry home job.

All you would initially need is a working computer and a reliable connection, and you'll already be up and running.

Making money off the internet can be done in many ways. In fact, there are some circumstances where you will not have to spend money at all.

For instance, you might choose to become an affiliate marketer, in which case all that you will need is a little bit of knowledge in advertising and marketing to earn a great deal of money.

But the simplest way of making money off the internet has to be at home data entry.

There are many data entry programs available, but you have to be careful in the company that you choose. There is no experience needed and all the training is provided for you.

A good company is always easily contactable and will answer any questions and queries in a speedily fashion.

Internet data entry jobs are very attractive to a lot of people because they enable you to work at home at your own pace in your own time.

Companies are always looking for data entry processors. There are many opportunities for Mums, Dads, Students, Retired and more.

Of course the more time and effort you put into it the more money you will make, but if you really want to make money quick:-

Click Here To Make Money in the next 5 minutes FREE!

Barb Thornback also lists the 'Top 20' opportunities to earn extra cash from home on her Website.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

5 Easy Ways to Make Money Using Paypal

Paypal has been a very popular place for people looking to make money online. In this article you will find 5 easy ways to make money using paypal. These are all techniques both newbies and veterans use and even if you have no experience at making money online, there are many options and all you have to do is try them! Hopefully these 5 ways to make money using paypal will help you get started!

Before we get to the techniques though, it is important that you set up a paypal account. once you're done with that, these 5 different ways to make money all offer great benefits:

1. E-bay:

E-bay is one of the largest online stores in the world where anyone can sell anything. All you have to do here is set up an e-bay account and sell anything you'd like. Whether it be one of your old props you don't want anymore or if you have some collectible item that is of value, E-bay is quite possibly the best place to sell it because you can auction it and find some really good buyers! The set up is very easy and you will receive all the money you earn through paypal.

2. Blogging:

Blogging involves making an internet journal. Blogspot is the most popular one because anyone can set up a blogging website and post entries in there. Based on what your blog is based on, you can attract viewers and link them to your e-bay page or anything else you're selling online.

3. Affiliate Marketing:

This is my favorite technique because it offers very little liability. Affiliate marketing involves you selling other people's items and making a commission on every sale. E-bay offers affiliate programs, but I stick to clickbank (free guide provided later on). Affiliate marketing is quite possibly one of the easiest and most profitable ways to make money using paypal.

4. Craig's list:

Craig's list is a popular website where people put up something to sell. It is like e-bay but is free. It doesn't get as much attention as e-bay but it definitely has a lot of potential to make money if you have something of value. You can even promote other people's items from popular websites like clickbank and commission junction, put them up on Craig's list and let it make money over and over!

5. Article marketing:

This is the technique I use to generate $1,000s every month. It is very easy and doesn't even involves paypal. All you do is register on clickbank and promote products and make money by just writing articles!

It is a very easy task once you try it a couple of times you will be amazed at how much money you can make. You can get a free 27 page guide on how to make $1,000s doing article marketing here!

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Making Scams - Avoid 5 Internet Money Making Scams

There are many Internet business opportunities available online, and the scams follows them around! In this article, I will help you identify the 5 common money making scams that most of the online business newbie always fell into.

Scam #1 - Get Rich Quick Scheme.

Many program, e-books, video courses claimed to help people get rich quick, and I assure you these are scams in some ways... Just ignore them and learn the proper way to make money online - Internet marketing!

Scam #2 - You Can Make Money Easily.

Anything that claimed to be easy is already or eventually will be crowded with people, only the hard way that most people ignore will let you make money easily! Most people think making money online is very easy, and eventually they gave up trying due to wrong expectation!

Scam #3 - Pyramid Scheme.

Any Multi-level marketing with more than 2 levels, in my dictionary is scam! Customer will need to pay more to sustain the commissions, I don't like too many levels scheme, they don't focus on providing a good product and services.

Scam #4 - Pay To Join Affiliate Program.

Some affiliate program claim that they can make you tons of money, but requires you to purchase their product or charge a sign up fees. My suggestion: ignore them! A good affiliate product and service will NEVER ask their affiliate to pay money before they earn!

Scam #5 - You Don't Have To Know Marketing.

Some how I heard someone saying: You don't have to know marketing to be successful online...Ignore them, because you need to know everything about online marketing before you can earn enough money to sustain your life!

These are the most common money making scams, you must be able to identify and avoid them before you can build a successful online business!

If you have any suggestion or comment, please feel free to visit my blog at Make Money Online Tips Blog => http://www.ultimate-iwealth.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Need Money? How To Borrow Money

Whether you need money for bill consolidation, a new car or a vacation to Hawaii, there are many convenient providers that will tailor a loan with terms and payments appropriate for you. Here are some tips on “How To Borrow Money

Borrow Money Face-to-Face

Start with your own large financial services providers, set up a Face-to-Face meeting to discuss borrowing money. Shop around, you should meet with at least three loan providers to discuss loan terms and guarantees. Choose a lender that understands your needs and offers the right solution to balance your budget.

Borrow Money for Genuine Needs

Sure you can borrow money to gamble in Las Vegas, but is that a wise move for you and your family? Some genuine needs for borrowing money include bill consolidation, college or school tuition, extra cash for weddings, home repairs, personal loan for an emergency, refinance your house and that once in a lifetime vacation.

Magic Potion - Save Money Each Month

There’s no “magic potion” for saving money and paying off your debts. When you refinance or take a loan to consolidate your debts, draw up a monthly plan to pay off your credit cards, car repairs, home improvements and save money each month. After three months on a budget, you will be used to it and this will solve you long term financial problems.

Loans & Lenders - Apply Online for Loans

Why waste another day? Apply today for the money you need from a quality lender. Just list your assets and reason for the loan - home improvement, car, second mortgage, etc. You may borrow money through a home equity loan or personal loan tailor made for your needs. The lender may issue your loan within a few days.

One Payment Loan Consolidation

You must be tired of paying all those bills with no end in sight… Make a resolution today to pay off your current bills, reduce payments and balance your budget. Instead of paying lots of bills each month, a leading lender like CitiFinancial [http://www.general-pages.com/default.asp?credit=31] may offer you a lower, more affordable monthly payment. For more info on bill consolidation and personal loans, contact a respected lender like CitiFinancial [http://www.general-pages.com/default.asp?credit=31] today. You owe it to yourself.

Johnny Mayer is a content writer for Compucall-USA Web Marketing, LTD.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Unclaimed Government Money

Are you looking for unclaimed government money? An estimated $30 billion dollars of unclaimed government money is owed to individuals throughout the United States because they forgot about their missing money or didn't even know they were owed any money. Most of the time this is due to death, illness, and inadequate record keeping. This is why it is important to keep a close eye on your money at all times.

Some sources say that 9 out of 10 Americans are eligible for unclaimed government money. It is also strange that there is no help at all from the government about how to claim this money. There have been numerous claims made and money recovered. So, you are probably asking, how do I claim my money? This does not have to be difficult. What you need to do is search the unclaimed money database.

With Unclaimed Money, you will be able to search all 50 states to see if you have any money sitting somewhere. Unclaimed Money is the most trusted source for finding your money if you have any. Not only do you get to search but you also get more.

You will receive information on how to become a claims finder to make money. Even if you don't personally have any money to claim you can start making money by helping thousands of other people claim theirs! It is a win win situation here. You won't be charge a monthly fee for this either, it is a simple one time payment that will give you access for a year. Don't get ripped by those other sites that make you pay $10 each time you search, save your money.

Learning how to find other people money can be fun and rewarding as well. There are some huge commissions to be made for helping people claim money and property.

Find out more about unclaimed government money

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money Fast - Easy Ideas For Beginners

Making money fast is the goal of most people. Making money alone is not enough and what is required is velocity. Making $40,000 dollars in a whole year is common and not very exciting, but making $40,000 per week, now we have an income worth getting excited about.

Can you imagine running your own business with an income of $40,000 per week? Do you think you would be proud of yourself, at least as far as financial goals are concerned, you have done very well. Although it is not very common, it can be done and there are individuals out there, that started with nothing and built up an income similar to this very quickly.

Without thinking about it too much I can tell you an income like this can be achieved with leverage of some form. The three main forms of leverage are time leverage, money leverage and people leverage.. Using just one can help you achieve such a goal, but utilizing 2 or even all three of them, you are much more likely to achieve it.

Just remember with leverage, it is a tool and like any tool it magnifies results. If your results are good it will make a lot more of them more quickly, but if your results are bad, in other words, you are losing money, you will actually lose it a hell of a lot quicker. Leverage is a tool like a scalpel. In a surgeons hands, a scalpel can save a life, in a madman's hands it can destroy a life.

Using leverage however, once you get to a point where you are profitable and know what you are doing, you can use one of the types of leverage to magnify and increase the velocity of what is already happening which is making money.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read about Martin Thomas in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I literally could not wipe the smile off my face. You are about to discover something different.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How Much Money Do I Need To Make Money Online?

We've all heard the saying, "It takes money to make money." And in many industries that is true. It takes a substantial amount of money to open any type of brick and mortar business. You need to pay for the building, employees, inventory, electricity, and more. These expenses can effectively price you out of owning a brick and mortar business.

But how much do you need to make money online? If you are on a tight budget, you can establish a very profitable online without investing a cent! How?

1. First of all, you need a computer with an online connection. If you don't have access to a computer at home, you can go to an Internet café. An Internet café is a business that provides computers (along with an Internet connection) to their customers. This is an easy and inexpensive way to get started if you have little or no money and don't have a computer.

2. Once you are online, you need a website in order to make money. You have two options here: There are hundreds of sites that offer free websites. You can find them by doing a search for 'free websites.' Then, choose the one that best suits your needs and resister. It is that simple.

However, in order to operate your own website, you need some knowledge of the computer language called html. If you are not familiar with html, you can use a free blog instead. You can do anything with a blog that you can do with a website. So, if you have no computer knowledge you should start out with a blog. You can find hundreds of free blogs by doing a search for 'free blogs.'

3. How about making money? There are thousands of ways to make money online. I'll get you started with one technique here. First, you need a product. It is easiest to find and sell products through an affiliate program. So, what exactly is an affiliate program? An affiliate program is an easy method of making money on the Internet. Begin by registering as an affiliate with a company (called the merchant). ClickBank is one of the largest affiliate companies online and you can register with them for free. They provide you with products to sell. Your only job is to refer people to the merchant's website. Each time one of your visitors buys a product from the merchant, you collect a commission. The merchant is responsible for developing the product, negotiating the actual sale (through their website), handling the payment collection, sending out the product, and handling any problems. Your commission can vary according to the merchant and product but generally ranges between 30% and 75% of the sale price.

The nice thing about affiliate sales is the fact that you can get started for free and you do not have to worry about any of the details. You do not need a merchant account, or any type of shopping cart. And the merchant takes care of the sale, dealing with customers, and delivering the product. Your only responsibility is to send people to the merchant's website, they take care of the rest.

Millions of people have started their online businesses using these techniques and are making very nice profits today; some of them make six figure incomes. So, if your finances are limited, use some of the techniques described above and start making some money!

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Save Money - Money Saving Ideas For Debt Relief

The majority of Americans have a lot of credit card debt. This can add up to a lot of money being spent on high interest rates and high monthly payments. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming, but there is hope! You can get out of debt by following some money saving tips.

Look for small ways to save money. If you always stop for a coffee at the local coffee shop or even the gas station, you are spending anywhere from $1-$6 for a cup of coffee each day. Make your coffee at home and bring it in a travel mug. Take your lunch to work and pack your kids' lunches for school to save a ton of cash. Make dinner at home instead of eating out to conserve your money. Even if you splurge once in a while, you will still save money over the long run that you can apply to your credit card debt.

With utility costs rising each year, it is important to do what you can to save energy. If you can, investing in energy efficient appliances will help you conserve money over the long run. That, however, is not possible for a lot of people. There are some ways that you can cut back on your energy expenses immediately.

Make sure to seal any drafty windows by recaulking the seal. Use an automatic thermostat and set it for a lower temperature during the times no one is home. Wash your clothes in cold water. They get just as clean, but your hot water heater doesn't have to work so hard. Run the dishwasher only with a full load. Turn off lights when you are not using them, and close doors to unused rooms to avoid heating or cooling spaces that are not being used.

When you shop, look for ways to save. You could buy generic instead of brand names. Most are just as good, and some are made by the same company! Buy used as much as possible. Shopping at thrift stores or searching on Craigslist can net you some great things for a great bargain! Being a bargain shopper will save you big bucks!

Look at your monthly luxury expenses. Do you really need that deluxe cable package? Are you using all your cell phone minutes or going over your minutes? Look for the cheapest package that you feel like you can realistically live with. If you are really committed to paying off your high interest cards, maybe you could forgo cable for a couple of months to get your balance down.

All of these tips can save you a lot of money. Just make sure that you apply the extra cash that you save to getting rid of those credit card balances. Then, don't use the card again. Use cash or your bank debit card for everything. Save for those larger purchases. Getting out of debt is hard work, but it is so worth it!

Get more ways to save money to help you in improving your financial situation. Plus learn about money saving ideas that help you make cash fast.

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Makes the World Go 'Round

I got to thinking about money after a meeting the other day. It is probably the #1 worry people have. I would say health comes first, but it only seems to outrank money if something is wrong, rarely does it come first from a position of a holistic or preventative mindset. Money has also been the main motivator in too many stories to count - movies, books, theater, art, and in real life. From the humorous to the dramatic, people will do just about anything for it and they let their lives revolve around it.

So if it is THAT important, why do people, especially women, spend so little time really understanding it? While there are exceptions, I would venture a guess that most people don't know where their money goes or have a solid foundational financial education. Money can be sexy and powerful, so why is it that really understanding how it works and our attitudes towards it don't make our priority list?

In my personal experience and in my work with clients, money ranks right up there with "no time" as the #1 reason we use for why we can't be, do, or have what we really want. So, what stops us from getting the education, awareness, and support we need to make money work for us and be an enabler for what we want versus an anchor holding us back and keeping us tethered in place (or sinking) as the case may be?

In a word, fear. Fear gets in our way of doing something about it. And, the beliefs and attitudes we've been taught and formed as we marched through the years of childhood up to and including this morning keep us rooted in it. Some of the fears my clients have shared include:

  • Not having enough money

  • Having a lot money and being successful

  • Intimidated by finances and afraid to learn

  • Afraid to ask spouse/significant other because he controls the checkbook

  • So deeply in debt or out of control and afraid to know the full extent of the situation

Money is more than just money. It has power beyond dollars and cents. The topic of money carries with it powerful emotions. After all, people are driven to do insane things for money such as staying in dead end jobs for decades, murdering, and stealing for it. It is so powerful in fact that it is sometimes hard to keep things in perspective and obey the golden rule - people first, then money.

Where Do You Stand?

Our views and behaviors around money are as varied as we are. I've personally known people at all ends of the scale from bankrupt musicians to millionaires who tape the soles of their shoes together so they don't have to spend money to buy new shoes. There's nothing wrong with being frugal and there's nothing wrong with spending money for enjoyment. The key is to understand your beliefs about money and the ins and outs of what you earn and what you spend.

Take some time to answer the following questions (Yes or No) so you can get a handle on where you are right now.

  • I know exactly what I earn.

  • I know where every last dollar I spend goes and why.

  • I know my financial goals and have a plan to reach them.

  • I have an independent financial professional who works solely for my best interests to help me understand and navigate the financial maze.

  • I spend less than I earn and save at least 10-15% of my income.

  • I do not carry credit card debit. I pay cash for everything or pay my balance in full each month.

Now, explore your beliefs by journaling about the following questions:

  • What were my family's attitudes towards money when I was growing up?

  • When someone says the word "money" to me, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

  • What do I think of people who have a lot of money? What do I think of people who have little money?

  • Complete this sentence: To me, money means_______.

What You Can Do To Build a Solid Foundation

Dealing with money is a lifelong affair. There is no quick fix solution or one size fits all. Even winning the lottery isn't a solution because most lottery winners end up right back where they were (or worse) because their beliefs and behaviors did not change. However, the good news is that you are in charge of and can take control of your financial future. You simply need to take an active role in the process.

The top actions I recommend are:

Invest in your financial education.

You can never go wrong investing time and money in your own education. With the amount of resources available on the Internet and in print there are no excuses for going through life with blinders on. Whether you read books like the ones I recommend at the end of this newsletter, tap into money related websites, or join a group like Savvy Ladies (http://www.savvyladies.com), information is readily available for you regardless of your current level of knowledge and income.

Take Control

The best activity I ever did was to keep track of every penny I spent for several months. You can achieve the same result by doing this activity for a typical month, but the longer you do it, the better. Simply track every penny that comes in to your life and every penny you spend. You will be amazed at what you learn. Whether you take on this task with a pocket notebook that you carry with you everywhere you go or take the high-tech automated route with software like Quicken or Microsoft Money, it is the #1 thing you can do to take charge of your finances.

Get Support

If you needed help with a physical ailment, you wouldn't dream of buying a book and needle and operating on yourself. You'd go to a trained medical professional. So, why fumble through the financial maze alone? Hiring a trained financial professional is a sound investment. Avoid people who make their money selling you stuff, and opt instead for a fee based planner so you know your best interests are at the forefront of their mind (not their next sales commission). You can find fee-only planners online via NAPFA (http://www.napfa.org)

Remember that money isn't everything. It can never buy love, happiness, or good health. It can however be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals and enjoy the journey.

Copyright 2005, Paula Gregorowicz and The Paula G. Company

Paula Gregorowicz, owner of The Paula G Company, is a life and business coach who is passionate about helping women get comfortable in their own skin so they are able to fully value themselves and what they offer and as a result experience greater levels of personal and professional success. She works with them to gain the clarity, confidence, and courage to succeed on their own terms and live life by their own design. Get the Free eCourse and learn the "5 Steps to Turn Fear into Freedom" at http://www.thepaulagcompany.com

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Extra Money by Taking Online Surveys For Money

Are you one the many people in this world working a part time job for extra cash? Lucky for you that no longer has to be an option. With the help of the internet; we are now able to earn extra cash by taking online surveys. Not only can you earn extra cash, but you could even earn enough money to replace your full time job.

The first thing you want to do is make sure you have an active email account. Your ability to take surveys for cash will depend on you having an active email account. The reason is because all surveys will be mailed to you through the internet. The second thing you want to do is get set up with several different surveying sites. You may or may not get surveys on a regular basis from the sites. This is why you want to use several surveying sites. The more sites mean the more surveys you will get. Doing it this way will allow you to get survey on regular basis and will you to earn more money. Your ability to take surveys for money will depend on you doing these two steps.

These surveys are a legit way to earn income. Everyday more and more companies are realizing that this is a good method for market research. For that reason all these companies are willing to pay you to take their surveys.

So start putting your time to good use. Start to take surveys for money as soon as today!

Click Here To: Take Online Surveys!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Mule Email Scam Hits U.S.

Imagine this – you open up your email box and an international company is offering you a dream job – you can be an agent for them – a financial intermediary – receiving payments for them and transferring money to them, and, naturally, keeping a commission on each transaction.

There’s no investment, no money required. They are just looking for people with a good reputation that they can trust with their money.

The company needs a local agent because US banking laws restrict the accounts that a foreign company has, unless they have a U.S. citizen as a registered agent of the company.

It sounds really good. After all, the company is overseas and it needs a U.S. Agent to receive payments and all you have to do is wire-transfer the money to the company account overseas, less your commission.

There seems to be no way to lose, since you won’t be putting out any of YOUR money and YOU have control over all incoming and outgoing payments.

You can’t lose, can you?

Unfortunately you can. Take this job and you become a “money mule” – an unwitting participant in a scheme to defraud others.
Here’s how it works: The company may or may not have a good looking website with what sounds like a legitimate name, “Techhydraulik” and says it’s based in Germany.

Sounds like it is a technology company having something to do with hydraulics, doesn’t it?

However, it is really an Internet front for Bad Guys who need to be able to transfer money out of the United States from people that they have defrauded through “Phishing.”

Phishing is the practice of setting up fake bank sites that look just like the real bank site (for example, Wells Fargo) and sending emails to millions of people saying that there is an irregularity in their Wells Fargo account and to “click on the link to confirm your information or your account will be closed”.

When you click on the link and fill out the fields for your account number, username and passwords, it sends the information to the Bad Guys who empty your account. Believe it or not, tens of thousands of people fall for this each year.

The Bad Guys then send the payment to their agent (you), and you wire-transfer the money, less your commission, to their overseas account.

Several weeks or months later, perhaps, there is a knock at your door and the FBI wants to know why you are receiving stolen funds. You explain that the funds are not stolen, they are payments for equipment purchased by people from Techhydraulik, and you are their legitimate agent.

You may not be held criminally liable since you were an unknowing dupe, but you may certainly be liable for repayment of all of the money that passed through your hands.

And of course, the real perpetrators have long ago closed that overseas account and disappeared.

How can you protect yourself?

Go to www.betterwhois.com and look up the information about the company’s website. You’ll be able to see when the .com was registered.

Typically, the names are registered just a few days before the email is sent out, because the individual websites are generally only up for a few days or weeks, to make it hard for authorities to trace. For example, techhydraulik.com was registered on August 2nd and the fraudulent email was sent out on August 15. Chances are the website will be gone shortly.

The techhydraulik.com website is hosted by computers in Russia where laws are lax and recovery is unlikely. It’s also possible that if you did visit the techhydraulik site, your computer would be infested with password stealers, key loggers and spyware.

The Internet is a wonderful tool. It is also a place where you need to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Sign up for the free "The Blinking Cursor News" to stay on top of the latest scams and shams on the Internet.

© Steve Freedman, Archer Strategic Alliances 2005 All Rights Reserved


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money Taking Surveys Review

These days everyone knows what paid surveys are about - companies need consumers opinions so that they can improve their products or services, or gauge possible consumer response to new products. Therefore they are willing to pay ordinary people for their opinion.

However, it's not quite as easy as that. How does one go about finding these paid surveys? Generally, the easiest way is to join a paid survey site - a database of companies looking for people to fill out surveys. Pay a small one-time membership fee and you can get started pretty much straight away.

But what about all these paid survey scams on the internet? There are a lot of scam sites out there and I've tried many sites, both scam and legitimate. It's important to be vigilant when looking for a site to join. I recently tried out the new survey site Make Money Taking Surveys as I'd heard a few good reviews about it. This article will be discussing my findings and my experience with this site.

First of all you sign up for Make Money Taking Surveys by paying a minimal membership fee. I don't mind paying that as long as I can earn it back within a day or two. They then collect your profile and then you will be able to take surveys that are suitable for you. Make Money Taking Surveys is different to many others in that it pays cash - too many survey sites reward you with prizes, vouchers or entry into draws. These can be okay, but not if earning extra money is your goal.

The amount of money you can earn depends on the amount of time you put in - the number or surveys you fill out and their types. Surveys that take longer will pay more, although shorter surveys can pay quite well too. Most surveys will earn you between $5 and $75 and you could easily earn $100 a day.

You don't need any technical skills or experience to use this survey site and there are no risks involved. Depending on how much you put into this, paid surveys with Make Money Taking Surveys could help contribute towards your financial security and more.

I make $$$ every day with Money Taking Surveys - the first legitimate survey site that I've found.
Read my review and find out how you can get 50% OFF for a limited time.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Money Merge Account

It's been a big year for my husband and me. We had our first child and recently closed on our first home, since our town home was feeling a bit snug with our new addition. Given the current state of the housing market, we were very fortunate to be able to make a profit on our town home and receive the financing necessary for our dream home.

Signing the dotted line and receiving the keys was a fantastic feeling; after all we now had 5000 square feet and one acre of gorgeous property that belonged completely to us. However, along with that "high" was the sobering reality that we now had a thirty year mortgage to contend with. During our first year of marriage, we made the goal to live debt-free and within three years, we had all our student loans and credit cards paid off. So to have a debt as massive as a mortgage was slightly disconcerting, despite the fact that the majority of Americans have to get a mortgage. How disheartening to think that by the time the thirty years is up, we will have paid nearly twice as much in interest as the original purchase price of the home.

I had heard from friends and acquaintances about different early mortgage payoff plans that were available. One such program that we came across that seemed to have rave reviews was the Money Merge Account, offered by United First Financial.

In the simplest of terms, the Money Merge Account system empowers homeowners with the ability to reduce the principal amount of their mortgage, thus reducing the interest that accrues on the total loan. The driving force of the program is an advanced line of credit (ALOC, also known as a home equity line of credit or HELOC). In order to qualify for a HELOC, homeowners must have equity in their home. My husband and I purchased our new home during the first phase of a residential building project. Since the value of the homes have increased, our house subsequently appreciated through the duration of the second and third phases. Once a homeowner has been approved for the line of credit, they are ready to use the Money Merge Account system. The HELOC must also be able to operate similar to a checking account.

Anytime you deposit income into your primary checking account, you transfer it to the line of credit and tell the Money Merge Account how much was deposited. Over time, the system will instruct you to put a certain amount of additional money towards the primary balance of your mortgage, permitting the interest rate to drop. Based on the deposits you make, the Money Merge Account uses advance algorithms to compute how much extra you should pay and when. The end result is to create the greatest interest rate savings possible.

United First Financial provides seminars for individuals interested in learning more about the Money Merge Account. My husband and I attended one and would highly recommend it to any of our friends and family; we found the seminar to be informative, educational, and helped us realize that the Money Merge Account is a system apt for us and our situation.


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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Making Money from Websites - Common Pitfalls of Beginners and How to Avoid Them

Making money online is really easy to do because the entire world is becoming Internet savvy with a preference for shopping online. Because of this fact, you need to make sure you are doing your best to meet the needs of individuals online and increasing the internet traffic coming to your website.

-Free Web Sites

Free web sites can cause major problems for you if you're actually trying to make money with your website. Many people make the mistake of choosing a free web site host to save money, however most of these hosting accounts post advertising on your site, are not reliable, enforce certain restrictions on the size of photos and graphics, and provide limited space. Because of this, it is more difficult for you to design your web pages effectively and also more difficult to reach customers because your website gives the impression that you are not serious about your business.

-Poor Design and Organization

Another pitfall many beginners fall into when it comes to trying to make money from websites is that they do not consider how the design and organization of their website will affect their visitors. If your website is not designed properly and organized accordingly, making it easy for web surfers to find exactly what the want quickly and efficiently, then you will lose traffic and ultimately revenue from lost sales.


Too many times people start out with a website and a good product. As they begin to grow, all of a sudden there are too many orders to be handled by the company’s staff and orders get lost and delayed. Make sure that you are prepared for rapid growth and have a plan for anything that might happen so you do not find yourself unprepared and in over your head. As long as you have a plan you will be able to react to any situation that arises.


Another situation that many newbies run into when creating a website in order to make money is that they create difficult to spell and remember URL addresses. Unfortunately these website addresses are often times extremely long as well, making it even more difficult to get it right. If you want to make money via a website, make sure you create an easy to remember website URL that is short, sweet, and to the point.

-Website Optimization

Another problem individuals experience when trying to make money with their websites is that they fail to optimize their websites for the search engines and as a result, they do not receive high rankings and miss out on lots of free, targeted traffic because of it. If you want to make money with your website, then you should make sure you optimize your site for the search engines. Different search engines look for different things, so do some research to find out what you need to include on your website for the different search engines and make them happy!

Michael Turner reveals his foolproof way to increase website traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it free right now at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Management Software

Managing your money becomes much easier if you have a software program to record and analyze all of your financial data. These money management software programs can do anything from download daily transactions from your checking account and other investment accounts, help you budget and save toward long term and short term goals, as well as working toward eliminating debt. Here are several recommendations for money management software and what they can do for you.

The first money management tool which is offered online for a small monthly fee is the service called Mvelopes. This software is specifically designed as a personal home budgeting tool. Mvelopes works similarly to the old fashioned budgeting tool of placing cash in different envelopes to be used for different expenses. The only differences is that Mvelopes offers virtual envelopes. Similar to Quicken, Mvelopes downloads transactions from all of your financial accounts daily and allows you to classify each transaction into specific spending categories.

When comparing Mvelopes with Quicken or Microsoft money it is easy to see the differences between the two. Unlike Quicken, Mvelopes allows you to access your personal budget from any computer with Internet access. It also tracks all your credit card purchases and sets aside money from each of your envelopes to pay it off each month. This feature allows you to reduce your debt in a matter of months. With Mvelopes you can also pay up to 15 bills per month online for free. They also provide personal budgeting coaching to keep you on track to reach your goals. The monthly cost for Mvelopes is $7.90. They offer a 30 free trial offer.

Another online money management software is GnuCash. This service is free and uses professional accounting principles to organize your finances. Similar to other money management software programs, GnuCash downloads all of your financial information from all of your bank accounts and investment accounts. It then offers an analysis of your spending and saving habits complete with graphs and pie charts. This money management software is simple to use and understand, it's much like using your checkbook register. Another benefit of GnuCash is that you can track both personal and business finances so you don't have to have separate programs for each entity. This software also makes it is to organize your taxes.

If you are looking for money management software that will allow you to make educated stock trades and to track your investments, then you should look into ManusRisco software. This software is easy to use and allows you to make informed and wise investment decisions based on your trading style. The software analyzes various trade possibilities and plays a positive/negative expectation game in order to give you the best possible trading decision. Following the analysis stage ManusRisco will provide a full report to help you maximize your profits. This software is designed for businesses.

The one thing that all of these money management software programs have in common is that they are all available online. You no longer have to worry about backing up your computer every time you update your financial software. These money management tools will allow you to make wise decisions regarding your finances and help you get out of debt.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Money Management

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Obama Stimulus Money For Homeowners

Are you one of those people who have been looking forward to avail of the so-called Obama stimulus money for homeowners? If you are one of them, you are not alone as millions are trying their best to get hold of some of this Obama stimulus money for homeowners. This plan called Obama stimulus money for homeowners is good but you have to get it through the banks or from your local lenders.

There is a little bit of confusion as most people would have seen the ads flooding the internet about the stimulus money being available to individuals. But you have to be very careful as this not exactly true. You cannot get the money directly from the federal government; you need to apply from your local bank or lender. The money is going to the financial institutions then it should be passing onto the consumers or homeowners who badly need some refinancing of their existing mortgage loans. But a word of caution has been coming from some concern people worried about scammers.

Obama stimulus money for homeowners is the best program right now to get the economy and also to help millions of homeowners who are desperate for financial help. As these programs become more popular and almost everyone is talking about it, some scam artists are preying on the people who are very vulnerable at the moment. So you need to proceed with caution when trying to avail of this financial help being offered. In fact there are ads on the internet that says; get your stimulus money now, and many more of similar line of marketing ads.

Some of the scams being offered on the internet are eBooks and CD's on how you can get your hands on the financial help that is being provided by the federal government. One thing you have to remember is that there is no direct financial help from the feds but rather from the banks and lenders in your area. To better understand and know what and how you can avail of these loans is by contacting federal governmental agencies on how you can avail from the plan or program. Do not listen to people who would suggest to you that you can get or apply directly and get the money from the government is simply not true. One government agency that you can contact is the SBA and TALF.

So the Obama stimulus money for homeowners is indeed available to people who are qualified and have equity on their homes by at least 30 or more percent. Get your information from the real source rather than those marketers who only want to take your money when the information is really free.

Learn more about the Obama Stimulus money for homeowners for your before you steam ahead as there is an increasing number of scams taking advantage of people who are desperate for financial help. The Obama Stimulus Plan for Homeowners is great for those people who really need them. Get more info and guide at http://www.JGVFinance.com

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วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Making Opportunities on the Internet

Money making opportunities are all over the internet. Just about everywhere you turn you will be faced with an offer to make money. Some of the offers may seem too good to be true and they probably are. There are plenty of scams online to try and swindle us out of our own money while promising to make us rich.

If you are smart enough to avoid the scams then you can find some real money making opportunities online. The best option to make money online is by freelancing. Using a skill or talent you already possess can earn you some extra cash or a living depending on the amount of time you have to put in to it.

Most freelancers online find money making opportunities by searching through classified ads or visiting sites that are designed for freelancers. Some of the sites may require a membership fee or they will just take a percentage of the money you make from each project.

Just about anyone has a skill that will be useful online and be able to make money online. If there is a task that is normally completed in the office it can be completed online. You can be paid to type letters, perform data entry tasks, and even create presentations.

The more skills you have the more money making opportunities you will be given. For someone who knows HTML, graphic design or computer programming can earn a living easily with all the money making opportunities online.
Take a look around the internet and see it in a different light. It is not only a place to play computer games, surf for new web pages and to read and forward silly jokes to your friends, it is an entire world of its own that has an endless supply of ways to make money for yourself.

Article was written by Jeffrey Frasco. For more information about making extra money online and how to earn extra money online look at the makemoneyonlineforyou.com website.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Internet Money - Questions and Answers

Internet money. One of the most important questions about internet money is how do I make money online? Other important questions and keyword phrases searched are the following :

* Make money online
* Make money on the web
* Make money on the internet
* Make money from home
* Internet income opportunities
* Free internet income
* Internet cash
* How to make money online
* What are the best ways to make money on the web
* Can I make fast income on the net

The questions are simple. They are about how to make cash online and what are the best ways to earn capital and cash on the net.

So let's try to give some answers to the internet money quest.

* Rule number 1: Beware of many scams and false promises. Many rich quick websites claim that you can join them for free and become a millionaire doing nothing. Be skeptical and not naive. There is not free or easy money.

* Yes you can make money and cash online. The web is offering great opportunities but be conservative and realistic in your expectations. Expect to make money after a few months or intensive internet marketing and advertising or promotion of your online presence. How much is difficult to be answered. It is hard to be an instant millionaire but give it enough time and you could be making a few hundreds or thousands dollars per year or month.

* Best ways to make money online are highly objective. There is no holy grail. Some good ways are to start and join an affiliate business , start a blog which is a favorite topic of search engines, start an eBay or amazon shop, or create a website to promote your physical business if you are a merchant or for example in the services sector. Internet marketing is necessary to be found on search engines.

* Forget about free money. It is a myth. If you try you will get money. If not then there is no magic money machine that will flood your bank account overnight.

* Have the following virtues: patience, realism, self-confidence, will to succeed and desire to be successful plus positive energy.

* Answers to best ways and top solutions vary. What is best for me is not for you. Make a thorough web search and you will get your own answers. Start small with low expectations as truth is often harsh. Big money on the web and great residual internet income will come after time and hard work.

* Use the social media services and social web to be popular. If you post many links and people like you then the results of your online presence will be enormous. The key to success is links, traffic, money.

Some of the best online resources to find answers on the internet about money are Yahoo! Answers, Amazon Askville questions, Wikipedia, Google answers, Answerbag, Eher, Yedda, AllExperts. Just type to search engines their name and their site will appear. A great advantage that steps from answering queations in these communities is that you can get traffic to your websites by adding links and you can become a money expert in your field. Plus search engines love these human edited questions so traffic from these answers translates to business and money. Internet marketing works very well with this technique. And best of all it is free.

An internet marketing advice is to get your own domain name and market it on the internet. This gives you greater credibility for people to join you and support your efforts.



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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Easy Way to Make Money

There are a lot of opportunities for you to make money, even when you are within the confines of your home. Nowadays, there are plenty of people finding it difficult to find sources of extra income to augment their daily needs, or even to keep themselves afloat. You need not go far because you can do it within the comforts of your own home.

It Starts At Home

You can opt to generate income while working from home. You simply need to think of the possibilities that are within your reach. Your computer at home and your access to the Internet are such great tools for you to be able to work at home and make money. You can put up a small business with minimal capital and still be confident that you will have money coming in. How is this possible? It is possible with the use of the different Internet marketing techniques such as affiliate marketing, pay per click, and web 2.0.

Your Options

Affiliate marketing is effective in ways to make money on the Internet. All you have to do is to make sure your business is feasible and that it is salable. You can then tie in your business to potential affiliates that can best promote your products. If you are just starting your own business, you can offer them the best deals in commissions and rates that they cannot resist.

On the other side of the spectrum, you can also choose to become the affiliate - that is to say, you promote somebody else's products. This is a more feasible option for those who are just starting out.

Another excellent idea that you can use to help your business to prosper online is to opt for PPC, better known as pay per click. There will be no need for you to splurge on a lot of money just to be able to advertise your product. As an advertiser in this type of marketing strategy, you will tie up with other hosts and only pay them when links to your page or product have been clicked.

For those who are just starting out, you can also opt to be the advertiser. Simply install paid links in strategic places on your site, and you'll make money in no time, as long as there is interest amongst your visitors.

Lastly, Web 2.0 is a recognized and proven technique in Internet marketing. This type if Internet marketing allows you as the advertiser and the end consumers to communicate about the product you are endorsing and they are using. It gives everybody the freedom to express their views about a certain product; thus, subliminally endorsing it.

Your options when it comes to Internet marketing tools are limitless. All three methods are proven to have worked for various businesses and can help you generate income. But you have to remember that you also need - and must -maintain a good and positive relationship with your affiliates and clients for your business to prosper and make money.

Successful Entrepreneur Art Basmajian is a Direct Marketing Specialist and Certified Home Business Consultant. Art advises Entrepreneurs and Home Business Owners using cutting-edge social marketing strategies to explode their online businesses. To find out about the killer system that's taking the country by storm, visit make money to learn how to take your home based business to the next level and take control of your financial future. If you want the freedom of an unlimited income, freedom of time, mobility and proof that it's all possible, visit how to make money online.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Making Money From Crafts

In today's world making money from crafts and hobbies just makes sense. All of us can use a few extra bucks to spend on rising fuel costs or even at the grocery store. Everything is being affected by rising gas prices so, anything we can do to put a little extra cash in our pockets will help.

Think for a minute how you can use your crafts and hobbies for profit. I'll bet you have a special talent for making a nifty little item that no one else in your town can make. Or, maybe you bake the best cookies in town. Do you have a secret recipe that you are willing to share?

Years ago my father began tinkering around with some scrap conduit pipe. Using the pipe along with some fishing line and a piece of plastic he assembled some really neat sounding wind chimes. He hung a few on the front porch and rigged a stand to hang a few in the front yard. Within hours he had more people knocking on his door asking how much he would charge to make one or two for them than he could keep up with! Without so much as a plan he had turned his tinkering into a way to make money with crafts.

You can do the same thing. A neighbor of mine makes great money by creating jewelry from small rocks, beads and the like. He sets up a little booth in local craft shows and fairs and easily sells his homemade jewelry like crazy.

Think about it. What crafts and hobbies do you have that you can use to make a little extra money? Quilting is a great example. Very few people know the art of quilting but, loads of folks will pay lot's of money for a home made quilt. It's very easy to assemble a few beads into some great looking jewelry. Home crafted jewelry is a very, very hot item. If you will put your brain to work you will soon be making money from crafts like never before.

Want to make some nice cash at your next craft show or fair? Turn your passion for jewelry into a real money maker. With Jewelry Booth Ideas you will learn the secret of running a successful jewelry or craft booth at fairs and craft shows. Check out Jewelry Booth Ideas now!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Making Money Ideas - Straight Reviews

What would it be like if you could make quick cash, on demand, right when you need it? How would it be if you did not have a boss? Make money while you golf; It would be a fairy tale would it not? Sure it would and it is the American dream to be independently wealthy so we can spend more time with our families and doing the things we love.

Making money ideas from real estate & banking, network marketing, attraction marketing, franchising, classified ad selling,to affiliate marketing. Everyone claims to have "the one", everyone is an expert. There are literally more money making ideas out there than someone could do in a lifetime.

I can tell you that 99% of these making money ideas are designed to make someone else money, not you! Have you ever fallen prey to any of these programs? Me too. I have bought into so many of these programs searching for the dream, that I am not allowed to even touch a credit card anymore, or even get near the internet with one, without filing a detailed, itemized report to my wife about what it's for, period. I did so many programs, and was let down so many times, that I went to counseling because I was sure it was me that was the failure. They all have other people that are doing well, why not me?

I made a decision to get to the bottom of it all and see if there were any real programs out there that would actually deliver on the American dream I was searching for.

I contacted the owners of these systems, posing as an investor, wanting to purchase their making money ideas and system for big money. They bought it, and I was granted access to their systems behind the scenes information and even a look at the books. I'm astonished at what I find! The owners were making mega money, while only a few people using the systems made extraordinary income, everyone else was just simply not making any money at all. In fact 97% actually lose money.

Here's information I found:

outdated information
confusing information
minimal training
training that takes years
no way to contact the owners
no live support
no real email support
no guarantee

I quickly realized that these making money ideas are completely designed for the owners and not for anyone else. These programs are worthless, and the owners know it, too, and they are laughing all the way to the bank! Anyway, when they contacted me back about purchasing their program, I never responded. However through my quest, I was able to pinpoint a couple descent money making ideas.

For those of you who have already gone down the path of despair, or would just simply like to avoid it, I strongly suggest you continue to my site for more information. Either way I do wish you health and success and that you too find the dream you have been looking for.

RK Ellertson... ~Money Making Ideas Straight Review~

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Crazy Money Making Ideas

Sometimes new money making ideas are immediately usable. However, sometimes you just have to let your imagination run wild and be impractical. This is a way to get that creativity going, and no matter how crazy the ideas may seem at first, there is usually a way to bring them down to earth, as in this first example.

Rental Cabins In The Air

I started with a crazy thought: "What if people could rent a cabin up in the sky for the weekend?" Right away my mind tries to make sense of the idea, and because the over-all goal is to have profitable innovations, it looks for ways to make it into a money making idea. I first imagined cabins which are suspended under large hot-air or helium balloons.

As much fun as it might be, this didn't seem very practical. When I explored the idea further, though, I wondered if existing balloon-ride businesses could tap into other markets. If, for example, the gondolas were outfitted properly, and the balloons tethered, so they could be allowed to float two thousand feet overhead, would meditators then pay for a peaceful meditation retreat in the sky?

Another thought came to mind. Balloons could be high in the air, but easily cranked back in on a line. This might be simpler and cheaper than traditional rides, which involve chase vehicles and unpredictable landings. Perhaps this could be another way to make money with the balloons, charging a lower rate for simple up and down rides, and so getting new customers that couldn't afford the usual rides.

This is how a crazy idea comes back to earth. Perhaps even the "weekend cabin in the sky" idea could someday be a money making idea, but if not, that's okay. The point here is to get the creative flow going, and then find more practical ways to channel the output.

More Crazy Money Making Ideas

The following are pure imagination. I leave it to you to find a way to make these ones into potential money making ideas. Good luck and have fun!

- Put seats on the wings of an airplane and sell rides to thrill seekers.

- Sell advertising scratched out on the face of the moon.

- Rent out the animals at the zoo.

- Start an underwater school.

- Make a roller coaster course people pay to take their personal cars on.

- Sell pets genetically engineered to die young, for those who hate long-term commitments.

- Rent out children to undecided prospective parents.

- Have marriage insurance policies that cover the cost of a divorce, just in case.

- Have a swimming pool restaurant; diners sit in floating seats and eat off floating plates.

Scan the list and stop on any of the crazy ideas that catch your attention. Chances are good that you can find some way to transform it into a more practical idea, and that is the point. This exercise in imagination may be fun, but it is also a profitable technique for generating money making ideas.

Steve Gillman has been exploring new ideas for a lifetime. Get a free gift when you visit his site for money making ideas, invention ideas, business ideas, story ideas, political and economic theories, and deep thoughts: http://www.999ideas.com

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