วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Take Control of Your Financial Future

So, you have to start making an income, but you have no real skills, and you haven't been out in the work force since dirt was created. Let's face it, in the divorce process, women most often end up with the short end of the stick financially.
But what can you do? What employable skills do you have?

I've done many things to make ends meet (all legal), including actually getting a job, meaning that I went out, beat the pavement, and handed in resume's and job applications, all in the hope that someone would hire me for a lousy $7 an hour after years of being at home with my kids.

Does this sound like you? Are you on the verge of divorce, or are you recently divorced? Are you without an income of your own? Are you terrified that you will be entirely reliant on your ex for child support or alimony as your only means of income?

Don't put yourself in that position. I did, and everytime he got pissed off about something, it would reflect somehow in my alimony payments. Yes, I could have taken him to court over it, but court costs money, and I didn't have it. It took awhile, but I finally gave my head a shake, and decided that I desperately needed to buck up and make my own money. I didn't want to depend on anyone else to give me a paycheck. Especially my ex husband. And I didn't have the desire to leave my kids to go out and work for some idiot, so my only other option was to start my own business.

Before your landlord comes knocking at your door, or your bank sends you that letter of forclosure, do something. There are lots of opportunities out there for you, and you don't have go out and work for someone else in order to make a decent living if that's not something that your situation will allow.

I've done many things. I'm the type of person who can do something until I get bored with it, then I move on. I've owned a successful extras talent agency, a thriving fashion accessories business, and a catering company. All were tons of fun both to start and to run, and the money that I made (and still make) is extremely gratifying. I still own and am involved in the fashion accessories business, and the catering company. And I will tell you, that if it wasn't for those endeavors, my children and I would probably be out on the street right now.

You really are the only one who can decide what should happen to you and your children financially.

Take control.

Melissa Harvey

Copyright 2006 Melissa Harvey All Rights Reserved

Melissa Harvey is a divorced mother of two, who took her financial future into her own hands, and is now making a comfortable living for herself and her children, without having to depend on anyone else. Let her show you how to do the same at http://reallifeafterdivorce.blogspot.com.

[tags]divorce,finance,women's issues,self-employment[/tags]
