วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Different Ways For Kids To Make Money Regardless Of The Age

There are a number of ways for kid to make money, many times depending on the age of the kid. If the kid is a teenager, it can range from working at the mall to working as a receptionist at a salon parlor. If it is a younger kid, you have to be a little more creative. But regardless, there are a number of ways to make money as a kid.

To start with, let's discuss ways for kid to make money if under the age of thirteen. At this age, most retail stores and businesses do not hire. Typically you have to be around fourteen or fifteen to begin working at actual businesses. While this will limit your choices, it does not eliminate the possibility of working altogether.

If you live in a climate that snows during the winter, a great way to make money is by shoveling your neighbors' driveways. Is it a lot of money? It will not make the kid rich, but it will give them the necessary cash to have some fun and buy video games. Another similar option is to rake the neighbors' lawn during fall. Labor work is the best way for kids to make a decent amount of money from surrounding houses.

As soon as you become a teenager, the options expand significantly. The most obvious choices are retail or within the food industry. Retail stores can range from working inside the mall, working at a sporting goods store, or working at an entertainment store. As for the food industry there are a lot of options. This includes working fast food, working as a waiter/waitress at a restaurant, or even being a cook.

Although not the most enjoyable job option, many do not consider the possibility of door to door sales. There are several businesses and company's looking for people to sale door to door. Selling subscriptions to the newspaper can be a great way to pick up money on an incredible hourly rate. The downside is that you cannot work too many hours because you will only have success when people are home from work.

One way for kid to make money that is growing at an exponential rate is internet marketing. There are several ways kids can make money on the internet, but it is essential that the parents watch over to make sure that the kid does not fall for any scams. But there are thousands of surveys to be filled out for money, article writing directories that pay for articles and many other rather simple methods to making money.

There are tons of ways for kid to make money, but sometimes you have to be a little more clever. It typically depends on the age, but the options are there if you are willing to take the time to research and look.

Damon Jennings is owner of Motivation4EffectiveLeadership.com and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Damon recommends you to visit: Easy Way For Kid To Make Money

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วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money And the Law of Attraction

One of the most common goals people set when first learning about the Law of Attraction is to attract more money into their lives. Why struggle and not have enough? They are eager to find relief. Money carries such heavy emotional weight in our lives that attracting money is often one of the most difficult objectives. Our peace of mind, happiness, and security are all tied to the subject of money.

Unfortunately, placing such strong emphasis on the outcome of the attraction of money only creates more resistance to it. The more you think you desperately 'need' more money; the more you think you don't have enough; the more frustrated you get when it isn't showing up - the longer it's going to take to attract and manifest it.

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to make the process easier:

1) Relax - And Lighten Up!

The subject of money is no different than any other subject in your life that you are succeeding in. It is not the big deal that everyone makes it out to be. The more stressed and serious you are about attracting money, the harder it's going to be for it to happen.

Instead, think of it as a fun game and you'll be applying a perfect mixture of light, positive energy to the process - which is a natural prosperity attractor! In fact, make it your mission to be lighthearted and easygoing about money and everything else in your life from now on. Not only will you end up attracting more money, but also more love, joy, peace, fun and passion in all areas of your life.

The fact is it is no more difficult to manifest one dollar than it is one million dollars. The only difference between a person who is a millionaire and a person who is not is their individual belief that they can be one.

2) Be What You Want To Attract - And Have Gratitude!

Another common resistance factor is the lack of perception of the 'present.' You notice you are 'here' with not enough money, in the midst of lack and struggle, and you are trying to get over 'there', where there is abundance aplenty. What you'll eventually realize is that there is no 'here or there.' There is only right now, and whatever you are communicating to the Universe right now is what you are creating in your physical reality.

Rather than focusing on trying to 'attract' more money, 'become' a person who has all the money they could ever need. Think, feel and act as if your goal is already achieved, and the universe will make it so!

Focus daily on feeling happy, abundant, peaceful, secure, and be GRATEFUL for those things and you will attract life circumstances that correspond with those feelings.

3) Let go!

Don't worry about 'how' your money will come. Don't focus feverishly on winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance or anything else specific. Let the universe decide how it will come to you. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to receive more money and act on them if you see them, but otherwise feel the relief of knowing it's now on the way! This is easier said than done, but the more you try to control 'how' your abundance comes, the more resistance you create.

Therefore, if you are willing to trust and let go, you will then open a gateway for unlimited abundance to flow into your life. Furthermore, be sure to let go of 'when' money comes into your life. You might be tempted to set a deadline, but the universe has its own timing and wisdom.

Truth is, the universe has its own economy. That means no matter what is happening with the outside world, or with your neighbors, there will always be more than enough. It starts from within.

The B Happy In Life team invite you to http://www.bhappyinlife.com for 7 FREE lessons on the Law Of Attraction with Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith the master teachers of 'The Secret'...See you there TODAY!!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Nasty Dirty Money Review - Best Affiliate Marketing System Or Scam?

Does the Nasty Dirty Money system really work? It is a system that works on the concepts of affiliate marketing, and its creator claims that it can help anyone make money online. As there are many online business opportunity scams on the internet today, it is very important that you research very carefully before you pay for any of these programs.

1. How Does An Affiliate Marketing System Work?

This system is about helping you create income streams online by directing traffic to other online merchants' websites. There are a variety of ways to do this, and the Nasty Dirty Money guide teaches you step by step how to use each method. It has already helped me make a nice full time income online and I am very happy with it.

2. How Does The Nasty Dirty Money System Work To Make Money?

The online merchant will share their profits with you when they make sales through the traffic that you create. This form of affiliate marketing is called pay per sale, and it is a commission based method to make money online.

Some marketers say that it is hard to earn money with this method since the visitors have to make the decision to buy, but I do not agree with that thinking. Because commission rates are usually very high for this form of marketing (50 to 75% commissions of around $40 to $50 per sale), I have found it very profitable to do pay per sale marketing.

3. What Are Some Other Popular Ways of Making Money Online?

Another popular method is through the pay per click scheme, whereby the owner of the website is paid some money for every click on the advertisements that the visitors make. It usually pays only a few cents per click, and can work well only if the ads are positioned properly and there is a significant amount of traffic generated to the website.

Is Nasty Dirty Money a scam? Visit http://www.top-review.org/nastydirtymoney.htm to read a FREE report about this Affiliate Marketing System!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Stealth Money Maker - is the Business For Newbie

In this world of information technology, you are a newbie if you are not tech-savvy (meaning you are not well-versed in advanced software or programming) and you do not know how to start or create a blog or website. Added to that, let's say that you don't really have a big amount of capital to invest with. Given these constraints, can you still make money online?

Don't worry. Even if you're a newbie, you can still make money online. You just have to be resourceful in finding a good opportunity. Check out websites that will provide you with easy steps to get started. There are thousands of people claiming to be internet gurus and most of them will sell what they know - through purchasing their articles or e-books that would transfer their knowledge and experience to you.

But among all the sites that will teach you how to make money, there is one online money making strategy - called Stealth Money Maker - that works as a self-funding program without requiring any programming or internet marketing expertise. This means that you do not need to invest a big amount of money, develop your own product, or create your own website. It even gives away a free e-book (for a limited period) as a guide to writing your own paycheck!

Wouldn't you like to know how other people earn money from the internet? What's good about this Stealth Money Maker e-book is the detailed explanation of all the steps to put the program into practice. It elaborates a simple system that anybody can learn and do to maximize their earnings. It has very little work and practically no technical maintenance on your behalf. All you need to do is to follow the procedure listed, set it up for about two hours, and start making income - fast!

Affiliate marketing is the best way for a newbie like you to make money online. However, you have to acquire some knowledge and skills to have big commissions. You also need to find a mentor who will teach you a tested path to avoid making mistakes that may cost you a lot of money or waste plenty of time.

The advantage of Stealth Money Maker (which may not be present in other systems) is the honesty and integrity of its owner to help you sign up for affiliate programs and give you tips or advise on how to grow your income without strings attached. It is definitely a good start to launch your online money making career.

For additional information on "How to make money with Stealth Money Maker" visit my
blog here

Author name: Alex Kijsiravej

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money Working From Home - 10 Ways to Make Money Working From Home!

Many moms and young kids make money working from home, do you wonder where they get the money? How they manage to earn enough money not only to sustain their living, but totally changed the way they live - The Internet Lifestyle! Let me share with you their secrets...

Method #1 - Blogging

Anyone can do blog, but there are differences between profitable and not profitable blogging, you must learn the proper way to blog, know what to blog, how to blog and when to blog.

Method #2 - Affiliate With Article

Anyone can write an article should be able to write the article! The real value of article is not how good they write, but what do they write. You must know what niche is profitable before you can be leverage the power of article. Use article to get visitors to your website and sell the affiliate product is one of the most profitable businesses!

Method #3 - Receive Job

If you have special skill, such as accounting, programming or graphic design, you can easily bet for jobs at elance.com, ifreelance.com, odesk.com and guru.com.

Method #4 - Take Survey

Many companies offer visitor to fill up the survey and get paid, they are collecting valuable marketing information and might eventually sell you something.

Method #5 - Surf The Websites

Mostly provided by web traffic company, you install a toolbar on your browser and get to pay every time you visit a website. Just don't expect to earn lots of money from surfing the web, this is the worst way ever to make money working from home.

Method #6 - Ebay

Ebay is not just an auction website, you can start your online store, selling physical goods with Ebay.

Method #7 - Stock Exchange or Forex Trading

You need money to trade Forex and Stock, the return can be very high, so is the risk!

Method #8 - MLM Program

You can join any Multi-level marketing program and help bringing in more members, I personally don't like any program with more than 2 levels, because I don't think is ethical!

Method #9 - Sell Information Product

You can create e-book, audio and video courses to sell information, this is proven to be the largest and the most profitable online market!

Method #10 - Sell Software Product

You can easily create any software product from hiring professionals at outsourcing website as mention before, and sell them hundreds or even thousand times! You only have to pay once and earn for the lifetime!

As a conclusion, I personally love blogging and affiliate marketing with the article, selling the information product and software are all my choice. If you want more than make money working from home, I would suggest you follow my choice to build a solid business... At the end of the day, still your passion and your own choice that make dreams come true!

Visit my blog to leave a comment, and you can find more information about building a solid business online: To Make Money Online - http://www.ultimate-iwealth.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Fast Money-Getting Money Fast

A lot of people ask the question---How can I make this or that amount of money fast? It seems many people are looking to get some amount of money instantly it seems with no real work or action involved other that to possess it. The thing that is funny is that they even ask the question in the first place. If you think about it carefully you would think about how money works and lives. Money is very dynamic. Money does not grow on trees, fall from the sky or get pulled from a magic hat.

Ok with that said my question is what is ones definition of fast? If it is less than one minute then good luck unless some one nearby that has the amount needed sitting in their wallet and they are willing to part with it voluntarily.

There is just no "easy button" for getting money instantly. There is always some kind of exchange (work) involved. I guess you could spend your time and money playing the lottery however lotteries seem to attract people who can not do math.

Here are some ideas for getting money fast. These of course are not guaranteed and are for the purpose of example.

1. If it is one hour get on the phone and call everyone you can and ask for it whether a donation or a loan. If the money is survival money (to be used to eat and stay warm) call your church or local rescue charity.

2. If it is one day, go out and ask everyone you can if they need a task done that they may not have time to do and how much they would pay for it and get to work, ok do it now.

3. If it is one week Craigslist, Ebay or Garage Sale some stuff. I know that I have a house full of things I could sell if I needed to.

4. If one month get a job delivering pizzas..........fast! Or go mow lawns, wash cars or clean houses.

5. Two to three months-look into grants. It takes some time to fill out the forms!

6. If it is one year start and grow a business!

The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to start and grow your own business. Decide if you want a business online or offline. Make sure it is in an area of your expertise or interest. We all have some kind of skill or talent and can for sure learn one. Research and test ideas.

You can start a business online very easily and with very little expense initially and build upon it. By putting some of your time into it daily even as little as an hour you can build it step by step. With an online internet business you can sometimes get income coming in with hours of setting it up.

There are people who have done this and become very successful business owners.

About the Author:
"Work from Home, Just do it"
Use this, however keep it fully intact including this resource box. Thanks.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Maine Unclaimed Money Exceeds $131 Million

Maine, the Pine Tree State, has more to offer than the terrifyingly frigged winters in the northeastern most part of the United States is famous for. As of June 2007, the Office of the State Treasurer was holding more than $131 million in Maine unclaimed money, spread out over more than 540,000 accounts. That's a lot of clams, or lobsters in this case.

Abandoned property is considered "unclaimed" after it sits dormant for a specific period of time. Each state has its own dormancy periods for each type of asset. In Maine, dormancy periods range from 1 year to 15 years, depending on the account type, but most ME dormancy periods are 3 years. State law requires that assets be turned over to the state for safe keeping after the appropriate dormancy period is reached. At this point, the state treasurer is in charge of adding the record to their system, making it available for the rightful owner to find and claim it.

Though hard to believe, across the country there really are tens of billions in unclaimed funds, waiting to be tracked down by the rightful owners. Missing money is often dismissed as a scam or myth because people simply can't accept that people could really just forget about or abandon that much money. All people need to do is contact their state treasurer to confirm that these monies are real.

One reason that unclaimed assets totals continue to grow in all states is because the states are notoriously inefficient when it comes to returning these properties to the citizens. Many states have stepped up efforts to put money back in the pockets of the people it belongs to, yet the amount turned over to the state each year continues to vastly outpace the amount given back to the people.

Aside from the fact that most people still aren't aware of the joys of claiming forgotten money, those that are generally don't have a clue how to search. Every unclaimed money site is different and only a few are actually legitimate and maintain accurate records. Even state records are notoriously inaccurate because they are not updated in real time. While accounts are turned over to the state all the time, there will be no searchable record until someone physically adds the record to the system. On top of that, as noted, there are so many different dormancy periods that assets are constantly being turned over, so Maine's records are constantly being updated.

The first rule in searching for lost cash is to search frequently or one can never be confident in the thoroughness of their search. But unreliable records are only the beginning of the hurdles that often get in the way of regular people just starting out on their search for lost assets.

Learning tips from experts in locating unclaimed money can jumpstart your search and help reunite you with your money quicker than the average, uninformed citizen starting out without any guidance. People truly hoping to explore all possible claims would be wise to educate themselves before beginning the process of tracking down lost money.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site, http://www.unclaimedmoney.net, is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for Maine unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Affirmations That Will Bring Money Into Your Wallet - Part Three

Last time we talked about saying money affirmations while we were experiencing negative emotions such as fear, sadness, unhappiness, confusion or others negative feelings. Your affirmations simply won't be effective with this negative emotional rollercoaster zipping around your head in the background. The key is to deal with the ideas and opinions that are causing the negative emotions. After this you will be able to freely say your financial affirmations and feel a positive emotion such as peace, happiness, contentment and excitement.

There are two ways to deal with ideas and opinions that are hindering your affirmations:

1. Get therapy.
2. Open yourself up to change.

For some therapy really is the best option. If you were raised in a dysfunctional environment that included your very existence being harmed or threatened I would recommend therapy. For the rest of you, skip to number two.

Opening yourself up to change is actually very easy. All it takes is a little super powerful affirmation:

I am open to new thoughts about money and my relationship with money.

Saying this affirmation will gently bring to the surface items that need your attention before any monetary hopes you have can come to pass. Remember the process will be gentle. It won`t happen overnight but over time you will see patterns and thoughts in your life that are preventing and sabotaging you from reaching your goals.

So, before you speak your money affirmation, open yourself up. Then, affirm away and await your results. Here are some great wallet-fattening affirmations to get you started.

Always open with this one, just to be sure you are on track!

I am open to new thoughts about money and my relationship with money.

Then, try these money affirmations:

- I am enjoying spending money freely.
- There is always enough money for all my desires and wishes.
- Money comes to me easily and the process is always enjoyable.
- It is fun for me to be involved in creating money, I enjoy the process.
- I am involved in new exciting projects that create money.
- Money is my friend, I enjoy making money, creating money, spending money and saving money.

Now watch as those negative emotions turn positive and your affirmations about money start changing your life and the size of your wallet.

Copyright (c) Joan Pasay 2009. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.

Joan Pasay is just one of the MoneyAffirmationsMP3.com Team, whose lives have been radically changed by the continued use of positive affirmations for money and in every area of life.

FREE Trial Affirmations MP3s available for your MP3 player.
Click here to get yours right now: http://moneyaffirmationsmp3.com/re.asp?p=13

Want to read Joan's affirmations blog? Go to http://affirmationsreallywork.com/blog right now.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money by Taking Surveys - Easy Work Great Pay

Make money by taking surveys from the comfort of your home is the latest craze among those who want to add to their regular source of income. There are hundreds of companies online which give you offers to make money by taking surveys which are sent directly to you on daily basis. The real challenge is to find out right companies which send you surveys regularly so that you can make money.

Many people are always looking for easy ways to make money online. Why not make money by taking surveys sitting at home? Nothing can be easier than this. However, always remember you cannot become rich overnight by this method. These companies offer you money for your opinions about their products. Your opinions are very crucial for them. They invest a lot of money to improve their products and services. The money paid to the survey takers is an investment for survey seeking company.

The procedure to make money by taking surveys is a bit tricky. First of all you need to sign up with these survey seeking companies and fill up a lengthy questionnaire about your interests, hobbies, location etc. You receive surveys only if you fall under the category of people these companies are seeking opinions from.

Initially you need to sign up for at least 20 such companies to generate a steady income. You can make money by taking surveys if you work smartly and regularly. Before signing up for these companies makes sure that you are aware of their payouts. Normally the more time a survey takes the better is the payout. If you are comfortable taking surveys which stretch up to 20 pages and may take up to 2 hours to complete you can easily make a few hundred dollars for one such survey.

The most challenging part is to find out right companies who pay you good money and send you surveys regularly. The good news is that this problem has been solved by many websites where you get a list of selected companies who pay you well. You can easily start to make money by taking surveys almost immediately after signing up.

If you are looking to make money by taking surveys, please visit: http://www.TreasureTune.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Mantra

Mantras are a powerful way to generate the focus and energy necessary to create something in your life. Today I would like to share with you a mantra that I have used to generate money for myself.

Mantras should be short and sweet - one word or a simple phrase. This is a generic mantra to increase the flow of money into your life. You may repeat this in your mind when you are doing mundane tasks such as driving or cleaning, or speak it aloud for even stronger effect.

Remember that self-created mantras are more powerful, so feel free to deviate or alter this in any way that pleases you. What I use is this:

Money flows easily and effortlessly to me.

When I speak this, it seems to flow from the end right back into the beginning. A self-perpetuating mantra is ideal, because you can think or speak it for awhile, and then set it on auto-pilot. Focus conscious energy on it for awhile, and then set it as a background. This engages both your conscious and unconscious mind, and has powerful effects.

As I speak that, if I feel the urge to change it, I do. If I am alone in the car, I may feel the need to get louder, or softer, or accent certain words. I may begin to speak a circular stream that all rotates around the central mantra. For example:

Money flows easily and effortlessly to me. Large sums of money flow to me with ease. Now, money is flowing to me, even as I speak. Money flows to me easily. More money flows in than ever flows out. I have more than I need, and I give when I want to. I have freedom of time and energy to do the things I want because money flows to me easily and effortlessly. Now, money is flowing to me even as I speak.

And then round back into the first. This is all improvised, as I feel it flowing through me. If you feel an urge to improvise, do!

It is a good idea to mix static mantras with dynamic ones. The static mantras lock the logical mind (left-brain) into place and focus your mind and energy on your goal, generating a large amount of energy around it. This sets your goal into your subconscious mind, which is the same as planting seeds in a garden. The more you ingrain your mantra, the greater its effect will be. A dynamic mantra, as in my second example, engages your creative mind (right-brain) and may stir your emotion as you really get into it. The emotion in effect lends exponentially greater power to your mantra, and causes your goal or creation to manifest more quickly.

As always, you must be patient as you first begin these types of magick. As with spells and rituals, assume patience and assuredness that your efforts will yield your desired results. The beauty of a mantra, more so than a spell or ritual, is that you can do them anytime, anywhere, as often as you think to. Spells and rituals require a little more investment of time and energy, but mantras can be used for magick during parts of your daily life when you don't have time for visualization or rituals. You can do mantras at home, in the bath, in the yard, in the car, while eating dinner, at work, in meetings, while waiting in line... Just about anywhere that you have the freedom of thought.

jonpeeoh (http://www.jonpeeoh.com) is a new web community devoted to raising consciousness, magick, and teaching others to take control of their powers as creators of their own reality.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Making Ideas For Teens

For a teenager, making money is not always easy. For a lot of jobs, especially the ones that pay well, you're either too young, don't have enough or any experience, or you hate the job. So then how do you make money?

Here are some ideas for teens to make money:

  • Follow the tried and true.

Babysitting, mowing lawns, and washing cars may seem too boring, but you can make some good money from them. Tell everyone you know you're starting to baby-sit or you shoveling driveways, and before you know it, you'll have so many clients, you can't keep up!.

  • Sell what you know

Do you love to bake? Do you live at the local park? Why not try selling things. If you like to bake, you can sell cookies, if you are in a high traffic zone at a park, sell snacks and drinks. If you have a lot of books that you've read and don't need anymore, sell them on eBay.

  • Get a job.

Though getting a job, especially when you are young, can be hard or grueling, it is the most surefire technique to make money. If you are still young, try asking family or friends that have small businesses if you can help them out. When you're older, check out supermarkets, retail, amusement parks, or any place you'd like to work.

For more information and more ideas on how to make money, save money, and start a small business, check out Teen Money Central You can find more information about these topics and much more.

Keep thinking and keep working hard and you will have more money in your pocket in no time at all!

Samantha is currently attending college for a degree in accounting and likes to write about money management to teach others how to stay financially sane in a world where debt is overwhelming and money management skills are lacking. To learn more about money making ideas for teens, visit her website at Teen Money Central.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Management 101

Whether you are in a deep financial hole or would like to get the most out of your money there are some things that you should know to accomplish these goals. Money management can help educate you on the inner workings of money, help you avoid the many financial pitfalls that exist and show you how to make money work hard for you. If you would like to get out of a difficult financial situation and achieve financial serenity, here are some money management tips that are extremely helpful.

In order to truly succeed, you must first understand how money works. This includes learning how to create a budget, save, how to be responsible with credit and how to choose lending products that fit your means and lifestyle.

Create a Budget

Creating a budget can help one understand their unique financial situation. It is extremely easy to create a budget. On one side of the paper, put all of your revenue including your income from your job, and any money you receive from investment, etc. On the other side of the paper list your expenses. Expenses include your mortgage, your car payment, gas, tolls, daily coffee, everything you can think of. If your income exceeds your expenses then you are in a good position to save your extra earnings. If your expenses exceed your income then you are in big trouble and you must cut back your expenses to cover your spending.


In order to manage your money, you should start building a savings. It is important to pay yourself first once you cash your check. Whether it is $20 per week or $200 per week make sure you save something each month. This savings can be helped later on to invest and make your money work for you.

Be Responsible with Credit Cards

Credit cards are not free money, they are unsecured loans and they can wreak havoc on irresponsible spenders. Many people fall deep in debt by spending carelessly with credit cards. Credit cards should only be used in an emergency or when you have the money to cover your purchase. Credit cards are not as convenient as most people think. In fact, if you pay the minimum payment the credit card company asks of you each month, you may find that an item that cost you $100 really cost over $200 by the time your credit card debt was paid off.

Choose Loans Wisely

Most people require a mortgage or car loan to purchase high priced items. While these lending products have helped millions it is important to choose the right ones that fit your means and lifestyle or else you may find yourself in financial difficulty. Before taking out a loan, do some research and educate yourself on the many types of loans available. Make sure the loan you choose has low risk. For instance, while banks may try to sell you products such as Adjustable Rate Mortgages or Interest Only Mortgages, you may want to stick with the Fixed Rate Mortgage. At least with this mortgage the interest rate will never change and you will know how much each month’s payment will be for the life of the mortgage.

Connie Barker is the owner of several financial websites including those dealing with Bad Credit

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Budgeting - The Key To Financial Success

Money Budgeting is a phrase that either bores them too much, or makes them depressed. But, this is how successful people deal with money - they budget. It's a lesson that must be learned to succeed financially in this life. Here is some helpful information.

Many people are lured into the trap of spending more money each week than they are bringing in and most people are doing this without even realizing it. The main reason this happens is because we are no longer taught or remember how to budget our money. With the introduction of credit, it has become easier to use money that you don’t actually have.

This lack of money budgeting in today's world is beginning to reach a cataclysm with many families, and individuals who are now finding themselves with severe debt problems and little knowledge about how to turn their bleak situation around.

Even with all of the bad debt write-offs, banks are more than happy with the way things are. Banks build in their own risk factors based on bad debt in their interest rates to give them profit regardless of bad debt write-offs. Simply put, those borrowing money are paying for their inability to budget effectively.

Tips to Effective Money Budgeting

The basics of budgeting start with you listing incoming money over a period of time, such as a weekly, monthly or fortnightly, then listing the outgoing money, such as mortgage payments, car re-payments, credit cards and so on. Money budgeting also has many other factors used to make it effective, including keeping a constant eye on how your budget is doing and changing it to accommodate unexpected problems without overspending.

Keep all of your receipts and account for what has been spent. Use this to make calculations as to where your money is going and for what. Expenses can be divided into four main categories. These are:

-Housing: mortgage, rent, utilities, property taxes, insurance, etc.
-Work: transport, parking, work clothes, lunches and if you have children, day care
-Living: food, clothing, medication, insurance, etc.
-Personal: entertainment, newspapers, magazines, alcohol, gifts and education, etc.

Once you have categorized all of your bills, take out a blank piece of paper and a calculator. Figure out what is being spent each month on these categories and what can be cut out of the budget to allow more money to go toward bills or improving your financial situation.

Many people get so used to luxuries, they turn these things into fixtures in their weekly, fortnightly or monthly spending habits. By weeding these expenses out or making them a luxury again that is only enjoyed occasionally, you can also save quite a substantial amount of money. When you go through your spending habits, you will be able to calculate how much you are actually spending on these things.

Don’t forget that a contingency fund should always be factored into any money budget. This works out to be around 10 % of your income. A contingency fund will benefit you when you need it the most, such as when you lose your job or have an unexpected expense such as plumbing go wrong in your home. This contingency fund should be kept in a separate savings account and only accessed in emergencies.

Motivation Is The Key

Motivation is very important when you are budgeting. As an incentive to create a budget and stick to it, remember that the only way to regain wealth is by spending less money than you are receiving. The only way to spend less and do more with your money is to learn how to effectively budget it and stick to your plan.

Once you start to see the benefits of your budgeting and are rewarded with more money in your bank account after you have finished paying out, you will be more encouraged than ever to budget your money.

Another way to teach yourself to budget is to give yourself a solid incentive to stick to it, and make your budget work. You may make it your goal to get your finances in order, so that you can take a vacation or get something that you and your family really wants. Place reminders on your fridge or in your wallet. By doing this, you will be reminding yourself of the reason you have decided to sacrifice some of your luxury spending.

Although this sounds great, when you budget, you will have to learn to set aside any emotions that you may feel toward your budget. Examples of emotions getting in the way and interfering with a well planned budget is when you have to cut out the things that you want, such as weekend breaks away, toys for your children or new furniture, for a while, until you have arranged your finances for the better better.

If you have a family, try to keep them involved in your money budgeting and where the budget needs to be tightened to benefit everyone to exclude non-essentials, explain to family members why budgeting is important. This will help to educate those around you about the importance of budgeting and how budgeting can help you all obtain the things that you want, such as luxuries, without them being a financial burden.

Another trap many people fall into is getting into the habit of 'keeping up with the Jones' regardless of their own personal financial situations. After all, money budgeting is about your personal set of circumstances and your personal finances, not someone else's. Just because your neighbors have just bought the latest model car or had cable television installed, doesn’t mean that you have to, pay attention to your budget and let it be your decider on whether you can afford the things that you want.

Budgeting is a vital skill needed to control your finances and avoid getting into serious debt. By educating yourself on how to budget effectively, taking the time to carefully plan a good budget and monitoring it regularly you will be able to keep yourself and your family encouraged to stick with it. Set achievable goals and even though, at first, money budgeting may seem tough, it is the only way to have the things that you want, as well as a secure financial future.

Ken Black is the owner of Debt Relief Today, a website all about money budgeting, credit counseling and Credit Card Debt Consolidation for those in need of financial assistance.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Extra Money - Six Unusual Ways

I was young and wanted some way to make extra money - something other than another fast food job. A friend of the family owned a small insurance agency. The owner decided to get into the business of process serving, and I applied for the job. Tracking people down and handing them their court subpoenas sounded like fun.

It was more interesting than most of the jobs I have had. I had to find two defendants in a lawsuit stemming from a school football injury (they worked for the school). Both had moved to the area, leaving no forwarding address. After using my best phone pretexts to get information from the family, and doing a little investigating locally, I found them both working in the same place.

I walked up to each, asked their name and handed them the papers. They were served. The problem was that the company was billing by the hour, and I had found these two quickly, meaning little profit. They dropped the idea for the new service, and dropped my job along with it. So much for getting ahead by doing a good job.

I had a wide variety of unusual jobs and other ways to make extra money when I was younger. Sitting here reminiscing at the keyboard might be considered an unusual way to make money too, but hey, it works. Here are some of the other ways.

Make Extra Money By...

Stealing cars: At twenty-one I was willing to try almost anything to make extra money. My brother's towing business got a contract to repossess cars, and I became a "repo man." Prowling the night with my brother, looking for and legally "stealing" cars - this was fun. Don't expect to make too much money doing this though, unless you live in the right area. Oh, and it did involve getting chased, having a gun pulled on us, and other little adventures.

Making walking sticks: I sold hundreds of my own handmade walking stick alongside our other items at flea markets. I added handgrips made from recycled leather jackets, so they cost about 50 cents to make. I sold them for anywhere between $6 to $26. You may also want to make a hobby into a way to make money, but there isn't too much money involved most of the time.

Financing other peoples plans. I put up the cash to buy cars for a couple friends. They knew cars, I had cash. A friend needed $3200 to buy and fix a corvette, for example, and two weeks later sold it for $4200, netting us $500 profit each. Letting your money do the work to make extra money - this is one of the best ways.

Rent rooms. At one point I had almost $10,000 per year coming in from renting the rooms in my home. I owed nothing on the home at this point, so this was a nice income. I had decent renters, and I had built a efficiency apartment on the back of the place for privacy for my wife and I. Easy ways like this are my favorite ways to make extra money.

Steve Gillman has studied unusual ways to make money for thirty years. To learn more, visit his website, Unusual Ways To Make Money: http://www.UnusualWaysToMakeMoney.com

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Kentucky Unclaimed Money Climbs To 150 Million Dollars

According to the KY State Treasurer, the state is now holding more than $150 million in unclaimed property that belongs to the citizens. The only things standing between 200,000 people and their slice of the pie are awareness of these forgotten assets, and the ability to locate and reclaim their Kentucky unclaimed money.

The Kentucky State Treasury boasts about how much money it has returned in the past 13 years, "In 1994, the General Assembly transferred responsibility for the unclaimed property fund to the Kentucky State Treasury. Since then, about $28 million has been returned to rightful owners." $28 million sounds like a lot, but when you spread that out over 13 years, they're only returning a little more than $2 million per year, on average. Much more than that is turned over to the state each year, so the $150 million the state currently holds will certainly grow. Even if Kentucky was to stop taking any more abandoned money today it would still take them 75 years to return the $150 million currently being held, based on their current rate of $2 million per year.

It's not surprising that most people simply dismiss the idea of unclaimed funds as some sort of scam, because it's difficult to believe that there are billions of dollars across the country that people simply forgot about over the years. Who ever just "forgets" that they have money somewhere? Well, apparently a lot of people. Not surprisingly, the states (including Kentucky) lack the resources to track down every single person who is owed missing money. Government doesn't do much efficiently, why would returning money to the people be any different? Citizens of the Bluegrass State need to take matters in to their own hands if they ever want to discover the joys of found money.

Though there are dozens of different potential sources of lost money in Kentucky, the State Treasury's website provides the following list of the most common types: "dormant savings and checking accounts, unclaimed wages, dividends, credit balances and any type of outstanding checks."

A common misconception is that you should only search for unclaimed money in your home state. This couldn't be more wrong, not only because many people have lived in numerous states throughout their life, but also because you don't have to have lived in or even been to a state that might owe you money. Many people work for companies that have their headquarters in another state. If these companies owe someone money, but are unable to track them down, the cash is supposed to be reported to the state where the company is incorporated.

In addition to searching the records of more than one state, people need search more than once, because unclaimed money lists are sporadically updated. If a property hasn't been dormant long enough to be considered "unclaimed" by the state, the original holder won't have turned it over, which means the state will have no record of it. Often times, even after the state has received a particular account, their system will still not have a record of it for some time, because someone who works in the appropriate department must physically add the record to the system.

With these issues, and dozens more, it's no wonder that residents have difficulty locating their funds. As these surpluses of cash grow, so does the confusion about how to find it, so it's more important than ever to seek the assistance of an expert in this area to help you in your search.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site, http://www.unclaimedmoney.net, is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for Kentucky unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

South Carolina Unclaimed Money Grows To 200 Million Dollars

As of October 2007, it was determined by the Office of the State Treasurer of SC that the state is currently holding $200 million that belongs to citizens who need only step forward and claim it, if they can find it. Despite increased efforts to reunite South Carolina unclaimed money with its rightful owners, which lead to a record return of $900,000 in Sept. 2007, the pile of cash continues to grow.

Each year, South Carolina, like most states, continues to take in more money than it's able to return to the people. The primary problem is the fact that most people are completely unaware that these funds even exist, which is obvious, or they'd never have forgotten about them long enough for them to be considered "unclaimed". Even those who have learned about the billions of dollars in unclaimed property all across the country usually don't know how to go about finding them.

South Carolina is what is known as a "custodial state", which means that they never actually own your assets, they just hold them for you, and there is no time limit under which you must claim your cash. While there are dozens of different types of unclaimed property, the state treasurer lists the following as the most common types under the Palmetto Payback Program: "dormant bank accounts, uncashed checks (including paychecks), unclaimed insurance proceeds, forgotten utility deposits, uncashed dividend checks and unexchanged shares of stock."

SC unclaimed money is handed over to the state treasurer's office after long periods of inactivity. These periods are known as "dormancy periods", and each type of unclaimed cash has it's own. Some are only a year, while many years must pass for some types of funds to be handed over to the state. On top of that, a state employee must physically enter the account information in to their system if there is to be any public, searchable record. For these reasons, it is important that anyone who is serious about finding their missing money, search often and search on the right sites.

Some sites promise a database, but more often than not it's anything but reliable. Not only are they often out of date, but some are just down right bogus. These sites use "teaser" searches to hook a sucker by telling them they are due X amount of money, when that dollar amount is really completely random. Essentially it's a dishonest sales tactic.

In addition to knowing where to search, people also need to remember to search outside of South Carolina. Many folks have moved to South Carolina after spending their lives in many other states. Others may have always lived in SC, but if they had an insurance company out of state or the corporate headquarters of an employer is based outside of the state, then there's a good chance they're still owed money, but S. Carolina will never have any record of these funds. It is important to search the state records of any state where a person may have had any type of business dealings.

It can't be overstated, having the assistance of unclaimed money experts in your search for unclaimed money is vitally important. An expert in this field can help you overcome all the issues that plague many searchers, including the few mentioned in this article.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site, http://www.unclaimedmoney.net is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for South Carolina unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money - What Determines How Much Money You Are Worth?

Have you ever wondered why some people are poor, some have a little money, some have a lot of money and some are just so outrageously wealthy that it defies belief? You probably know people in every category that I just mentioned. Where do you fit in? More importantly, how can you elevate yourself up the money scale?

So, what determines how much money a person has? Is it talent, dedication, commitment, persistence, a good idea, work ethic or is it something else?

Let's look at talent for a moment. I want you to think of the most talented person that you know. Is this person wealthy? Maybe they are. But there's a high probability that they are not. Many very talented people are certainly not wealthy.

How about dedication, commitment and persistence? They are all wonderful qualities to have. But do they ensure success? No. They do not.

What about a good idea? Does that ensure a wealthy outcome? Maybe. The creators of humble items like the biro, paper clips and corrector fluid have all made vast fortunes but they are only three out of literally millions of people who have had fantastic ideas that have come to absolutely nothing. Those people are still idea rich and cash poor.

What about work ethic? That, too, is a key ingredient for success. But does it guarantee wealth? You have probably already determined that it does not because, like me, you probably know so many people who work like slaves and yet they never seem to get ahead.

So, what is it? What is the elusive thing that is the cornerstone to success, money and wealth? Is it a combination of all of the above?

If you could bottle up all those qualities that I have mentioned - talent, dedication, commitment, persistence, a good idea and work ethic and take a dose every day then it still wouldn't be enough. One key ingredient is missing - the key to it all. Have you figured out what it is?

The key ingredient to success, money and wealth can be found HERE.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Care For Your Braided Money Tree

A Braided Money Tree is a lovely and rare plant that can make an outstanding addition to any room in your home. This tree is composed of several trunks that wind around each other, it can reach heights anywhere from a foot tall or more. The bonsai version is around a foot tall, while the fuller sized trees can tower up to seven feet tall.

Plenty of lovely green foliage tops this plant, making for a package that is a decorators dream come true. The bonsai style of this plant, makes it an ideal addition to an indoor garden environment.

Taking care of any type of bonsai plant requires time and planning. By incorporating some simple tips, your Braided Money Tree will thrive for years. Growing one from a seedling requires expert knowledge, and will take years to grow to its maximum potential.

With any bonsai plant, watering is crucial. Most bonsai like to have plenty of water, but proper water drainage is key. This is maintained by two very important factors: soil and the pot.

The soil should contain a mixture of earth and small gravel pebbles which lie in the pot with one or more drain holes. These holes need to be covered with mesh, to allow the water to flow freely but retain the soil. You can also add some river and to the mixture, to create porous areas in the soil which aid in draining. Some bonsai even grow well in a mix of peat, vermiculite and perlite.

The Braided Money Tree prefers much less water than other plants. Once a week is sufficient. Some do well on as little as a cup of water per month, but the amount varies with the pot size and soil composition. Misting the plant is also another recommendation. It helps the plant leaves get extra moisture and keeps them free of dust.

The soil in the pot, should be allowed to dry completely out before another watering. There are several ways to realize if the amount of water is adequate. If the plants leaves become droopy and yellow, this is a sign of too much water. When the leaves are wrinkly and curled up, this means you are not watering it enough.

The Braided Money Tree requires a medium amount of sunlight. Indirect light is best, but a few hours in the direct sunshine if fine, making sure the area does not become overly hot. A corner that gets some sun and shade, is the ideal location. Being a native of a wet, hot region, the plant will fare well when temperatures drop. If you keep the plant outside on the porch, you need to remember to bring it inside when the temperatures drop below 50 degrees.

It is unnecessary to give the tree fertilizer, specifically in the bonsai plant size and style. Trimming the dead leaves and providing plenty of fresh air, will allow your Braided Money Tree to live for many years.

There is much more to explore on the subject of weeping fig tree. Visit us at plant-care.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Lots of Money Fast, Developing Systems

Often, people are rarely paid what they are worth or even by the amount of work they produce. There is a single defining characteristic that all people who earn large amounts of money have and that is the willingness, knowledge and skills to build systems. In this article I explore what it means to develop financial systems and how you can use them to make lots of money fast.

The key to systems is the leverage component. We all understand how leverage works and the typical leverage people think of is money leverage. By borrowing other peoples money, typically the banks, we leverage our deposit to control a much more valuable asset. A 10% change in the value of that asset represents a 90% change in our equity when compared to the deposit, for example.

But there are other types of leverage other than borrowed money. Systems give you time leverage and this important aspect of financial systems makes it possible to create a unit of value and reproduce that unit of value adding to your income. In a system, the work stays done. Unlike working for an hourly wage, where every day you begin from scratch and build up a daily bank of hours of time that is then paid for. A system is different. If you can create an automated unit of value that reliably makes you 50 cents per day and it takes an hour to create this small system. Then working 10 more hours creates 10 times the 50 cent income. It now becomes $5 a day and so on.

This type of leverage is just as effective as money leverage and building systems to make an income is a very effective way to make lots of money fast.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Legal Ways to Make Easy Money

The process of making money may either be legal or illegal. Accepting money in return for selling a product or a service is legal as per the business rules. Therefore making money through legal ways always keeps you on the safest side. All governments support legal ways of making money.

According to economists, there are mainly two reliable legal ways of making money in the United States. One is from the employer?s point of view, the maximum utilization of the physical and mental skills of workers where there is no consideration whatsoever of the well-being of the workers. Another method of making money legally is from the employee side where it is through salary. The workers will benefit when a company increases the compensations and at the same time the employer will make a turnover while boosting efficiency. Both these methods are beneficial to the company and partially to company workers.

For individuals who cannot work away from home, the home based online business opportunities are considered as one of the best legal ways of making money. Some online businesses are easy to work in the home environment, while others require more financial investment from the entrepreneur. Nowadays, blogging has enormous presence in the field of online business. Such type of business covers a number of online marketing options such as promoting products, selling advertising space, pay-per-click advertising, displaying text or image ads, and affiliate programs. All these are some of the legal ways of making money.

Internet is one of the best playgrounds to make money legally. Suppose you are planning to start an online business, there are certain instructions that you have to follow. These instructions, including posting of your identity in a post office box and keeping your name and email address safe, treat you and your business a real, legal business.

There are also ways to invest money to make more money legally. Some of the ways are to invest in other businesses, stocks management, real estate business, or in other interests and hobbies.

Make Money Online provides detailed information on Make Money Online, How To Make Money Online, Make Money Online With Surveys, Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs and more. Make Money Online is affiliated with Ebusiness Software.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Learn All About Feng Shui Money Trees

A feng shui money tree is an indoor plant used in order to attract prosperity and wealth into any space. The feng shui money tree's botanical name is Pachira, and its care requires the average sun light and watering that any other indoor plant would need. Its height can reach to as much as seven feet while it can reach to be as much as three feet wide.

The shape of these plant's leafs represent the five main elements of feng shui, wood, water, earth, fire and metal, and this is what makes the feng shui money tree so symbolic. When an element is missing, or the elements in a space are not balanced, a feng shui money tree would help adding what is missing harmonizing the elements.

Since feng shui money trees bring or increase wealth, they are ideal to place near a place where money is kept or near the cash registers in businesses. Prosperity and wealth, as well as elements harmonization should come after placing this plant at those spots. Any other place where money and wealth is needed can be a good place for a feng shui money tree as well.

Feng shui money trees can also be strategically placed according to the house areas indicated by the bagua map. The bagua map northwest corner corresponds to the prosperity area of life, and this could be an ideal place for a feng shui money tree to be. Since it brings prosperity, you can also help attracting this factor to any other area of your life by placing the feng shui tree at the house area which corresponds to it.

If you would like to have a feng shui money tree but don't know where to find it, there are many stores selling it online which would allow you to buy it through their catalogues. You would easily find them by typing feng shui money tree at your search engine, and they would allow you to see them in pictures as well as provide you with details about it.

As you can see, feng shui money trees symbolism can have many different applications as well as having decorative properties. I can also help you enlightening a dark corner and help chi flowing better. Whether you are thinking of buying an indoor plant for yourself or giving it as a present, a feng shui money tree can be a great option.

About The Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.fengshuicrazy.com. Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Illinois Unclaimed Money Approaches 1.4 Billion Dollars

In May 2007, Illinois State Treasurer State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias announced that the state's "Cash Dash" program is holding nearly $1.4 Billion in Illinois unclaimed money. The only thing standing between the cash and its rightful owners is the knowledge that it's out there and the ability to track it down.

Sadly in addition to Illinois, state treasury departments across the country continue to take in more unclaimed property each year than they return to the citizens. Because everyone believes in the old "if it's too good to be true" saying most people refuse to believe that there are really tens of billions of dollars waiting to be claimed nationwide. Even for those few who have realized the truth about unclaimed assets, the best way to locate these monies eludes them more often than not.

The Prairie is State is one of those rare states that holds over a billion dollars on its own which means if you're a resident of IL then you have even greater odds of finding a claim in your name, especially when you consider that the state has less than 13 million people and there are over 10 million names on the state's unclaimed funds list.

Although there are many more, Illinois lists the following as the most common types of missing money: abandoned savings and checking accounts, unpaid wages or commissions, stock, bonds, mutual funds, un-cashed dividends, customer deposits or overpayments, credit balances, refunds, money orders, travelers checks, paid-up life insurance policies, safe deposit box. Anyone who has had or knows someone who may have had one of these accounts at one time or another is encouraged to search regularly.

The IL State Treasury has returned more than $432 million since it took over the unclaimed money program in 1999, $84 million of which was returned in 2006 alone, but with $1.4 billion waiting to be claimed and more coming in all the time, the heap of cash will continue to grow.

Because money is constantly added to the fund, it is important to check regularly, not just once. Money owed to you might be added tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or depending on the type of asset in 5 years if that's the proper dormancy period. Each type of property has its own dormancy period in each state, after which state laws require the holder to turn it over to the state who will then hold it until the rightful owner steps forward to claim it.

Additionally, residents of Illinois may be owed unclaimed money in other states even if they've never lived in or even been to them. Things like insurance overpayments when an employer uses an out of state insurance company can result in found money located in other states. Issues often also arise when a corporations headquarters are in another state.

The bottom line is that the state of Illinois is currently home to a massive amount of money that belongs to its residents who simply need to learn the proper ways to search, where to search, and how often to search. Learning these search methods from locators with years of experience in this field can greatly enhance your abilities to find your money.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site, http://www.unclaimedmoney.net, is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for Illinois unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Hard Money Lending Basics

Hard money lenders offer a specialized-type of loan backed by real estate. The loans are short term and based upon the value of the real estate that has been collateralized for the loan. The interest rates are typically much higher than the banks rates as the deals are not required to meet traditional banking guidelines. Requirements will range on the type of real estate, loan-to-value percentage, and minimum loan size for a hard money loan.

Since traditional credit principles are not in place to provide protection to investors, they are more risky, and as a result, hard money loans are more expensive. Since hard money lenders may not require income verification, the possibility of a default occurring increases. Typically, individuals choose to enter into a hard money loan when they do not meet the guidelines for standard mortgage financing because of either credit or documentation issues.

The real estate loaned on is generally the hard money collateral. However, it is not uncommon for other assets to be added of the borrower to increase the amount. Often a smaller loan size will be offered based upon a lower "Loan to Value Ratio." The loan may amount to only 65% of the real estate value. Therefore, with additional properties a larger loan amount may be obtained. This process is formally known as cross-collateralization.

Hard money lending may occur in a regional market or nationwide. Money lenders can be represented by brokers who prepare and submit proper paperwork and in return take a percentage of the loan. Other lenders deal personally with their applicants. Charges for prepayment penalties, application fees, and a focus on investment properties will vary between lenders. There are a few online directories which help to connect lenders to borrowers.

Several states such as Tennessee and New Jersey prevent the standard practice of hard money lending under their usury laws which put caps on the interest percentage. Regulations differ nationwide, but generally are determined by the status of the borrower and whether they are a business or a consumer. Consumers generally have greater protection by law, and therefore, it is generally easier for a business to meet the standards. Hard money lending to businesses is often under some of the most aggressive conditions in market.

For more information, advice, and training regarding the practice of hard money lending, please consult the professionals of Pit Bull Mortgage School at their website http://www.pitbullmortgageschool.com

Joseph Devine

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Online Money Making Solutions

Online money making solutions are sought by thousands of people from all over the planet each month, as they either want to leave their offline business, or they just need more money to tide them over in these harsh economic times.

You would think that with the internet being such a huge phenomenon that rich pickings would be easily available to anyone who went into this, but the reality is that it is not as easy as you would think. There is a lot of competition out there and you must know how to go about the process first, and work hard at achieving your goals.

One solution to making money online is to get help in the process by using some automated software,such as the Instant Profit Machine. This software package, by Shelly Ryan, helps you to automate most of your online activity, so it easy to get your first sales quickly. It cuts down a lot of the work you would otherwise have to do by yourself, and cuts down the learning process.

When you are starting a business up online, especially if you are not too computer savvy, it can take so long to set everything up that you can lose sight of what your goals were in the first place. So it is an excellent idea to get some help for your business in the form of some software that will help you move forward swiftly.

The Instant Profit Machine works in the area of affiliate marketing, and develops websites that you can turn into instant money. All you need to do initially is download the software and set it running to get it working for you. Of course there are many things you can add to the process as you go along, and the more you do the more money you will make, but this a wonderful way to start your online business. For more information on this program click here at Profit Machine

I would find out as much as I could about internet marketing as you follow the process through, as the more you promote your business through various methods, the more profit you will make. Methods include pay per click advertising, writing articles and blogs that are keyword rich with a link back to your website, using traffic sites and SEO, to name but a few.

Des Ingham hails from Darwen in the North of England.
He has been studying various means of making money online over the last couple of years, and has been bringing together what he believes are the best and most accessible systems available.
He has begun to write article reviews to put his message across.
For more information on how to make money online go to Profit Machine

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Unclaimed Money in Hawaii Totals Over $130 Million

Believe it or not, the mainland states aren't the only ones taking part in the multi-billion dollar unclaimed property bonanza. Hawaii unclaimed money has now reached the massive amount of $130 million! The best part is, this money isn't a gamble, people are either owed a claim or they aren't, and if they are, the only thing standing between them and their lost cash is the knowledge of how to track it down.

Of the dozens of potential sources of HI unclaimed funds, the Department of Budget and Finance lists the most common types as "dormant (no activity for 5 years) checking and savings accounts, uncashed checks, stock certificates, and contents of safe deposit boxes".

Hawaii continues to have a massive amount of money remaining unclaimed because people simply haven't accepted the reality of unclaimed funds. Too often people dismiss missing money as a scam, based on the old "if it sounds to good to be true..." mentality. Among those who are aware of these lost assets, most are uninformed about how to perform a thorough search for them.

Even for those few who have been able to locate their funds, the state of Hawaii has them jumping through so many hoops to prove they are who they say they are, that they're often left not reunited with their money, even though they know it's there. Hawaii requires owners of unclaimed property to have a lot of supporting documents to prove they are the rightful owners of the cash, and to prove that they in fact lived at the last known residences listed in the records they have on file. The moral of the story is that if you're attempting to collect lost money in Hawaii, keep records as diligently as possible, or the experience of taking back your money might be more of a headache than it's worth.

Beyond struggling to prove their identities to the state, residents of Hawaii have a number of issues that can inhibit their unclaimed asset searches. For example, most Hawaiian's who've previously lived in any other state often don't realize that the state of Hawaii would have absolutely no record of any lost funds in another state. So if someone living in HI once lived in Ohio, they would need to check Ohio's records, or the records of any other state they had lived in.

In addition to reaching outside of the Hawaiian Islands to locate money owed to them, many people still have trouble finding their money because they simply don't know how to go about their search within the state. One of the largest problems is that people often search only once and then never revisit the issue again. The problem with doing this, is that any assets that haven't been turned over to the state, because their dormancy periods haven't expired, won't show up in any state records, because the state doesn't even know that they exist. Sometimes even after the funds have been turned over, the state hasn't added the record to their unclaimed money list, so once again, a search would be fruitless. In both of these cases, a searcher could search the next day, week or month, and find their record, but most people simply quit after one search.

For further tips on overcoming issues that often prevent people from claiming their unclaimed money, Hawaiian residents would benefit greatly from getting assistance from an unclaimed money expert to help them navigate the maze of taking back what is rightfully theirs.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site, http://www.unclaimedmoney.net, is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for Hawaii unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Myths That Need Busting

There are many ideas floating around out there about money. So many of them are off base by just enough to cost you money. Here are a few of the most common money myths that aren't always correct.

1. The savings account myth.

Having a savings account doesn't really mean that you are saving money. It is a great place to have your emergency money, and it is earning you a slight amount of interest. However, if you have high debts with large interest rates, you are losing money by putting it in a low-interest savings account. You should be paying off your debts first. Plus, if the account is earning very little, inflation could actually be higher than the interest you are earning. In the long run, the investment really isn't working for you, it is costing you.

2. The big sale myth.

I know plenty of wives that use this one. If you buy something on sale, you must be saving money. Not really. The item must have been something that you would have purchased had it not been on sale. You can't purchase something just because it is on sale and save money. You had already decided not to purchase it at full price. This truth has a few exceptions. If you put the difference in a savings account, you are motivating your savings through a sale purchase.

3. The refinance myth.

You do not save money by refinancing your house every time. Most people will refinance for a lower interest rate, but a 30-year term again. If you had already paid five years toward your mortgage, you are basically extending your mortgage to a 35 year mortgage. You are likely to pay more over the long run than you will save in interest rate.

4. The credit card myth.

Zero percent interest credit cards are a great hook for consumers. If you have a credit card with 0% interest you can save money if you already have the money you would have purchased the items with in an interest bearing account. If you don't, you aren't saving anything. If you don't have the money to pay off the card when the introductory interest term is over, you are spending money to spend money.

And the only way you save with a cash back credit card is if you pay the balance off in full each month and there is no yearly fee for the card. If you carry a balance, your interest will be higher than the cash back.

5. The more money myth.

Making more money will not mean you save more money. It only means that you will have more money to spend. Most people spend more as they make more. They don't really ever save.

Martin Lukac represents RateTake Refinance Rate mortgage marketplace. RateTake matches consumers with multiple lenders offering low Refinance Rates from our network of accredited lenders.

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