วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money While Going To School

This is how I make thousands of dollars a day while going to school.

Making money while going to school is extremely easy to do because of all the opportunities out there. The only problem is finding the ones that do work. I have had my share with the scams out there and will do my best to steer you away from these.

Making some serious easy cash while working from home is possible with a little bit of work and time. I myself as a college student have found great success in internet marketing. This is something I knew nothing about until I joined a wealthy affiliate community online and learned how easy it really is.

Internet marketers potentially earn more than $360,000 a year. There are thousands of newbies that have only been doing it a month and are making over $1000 a day. This was all with the support from the affiliate community online.

I had thousands of support from wealthy affiliates with experience who helped me make my first sale. From then on the money has just been rolling in by applying the same techniques over and over again.

I will probably do this as a full time income for a while until I get my degree in accounting. Then I will put internet marketing second to my career. Just a little more stability in having a steady full time job. But for now making money online while going to school has more than exceeded my expectations.

I will soon be able to put a down payment on a car and hopefully a house one day. I will try to take my girlfriend on a bunch of vacations and just relax and enjoy the good life for now. Trust me if I was able to do this anybody can.

I would definitely recommend giving internet marketing a try. I will show you were I have found great success online and my affiliate marketing community.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Coming Into Sudden Money - How Fun Would That Be?

Wouldn't it be great to start off a new season with a boat load of cash? I mean the amount of cash you could use to pay all debts, put your kids through any college (and grad school), buy the home of your dreams and a vacation home, and still have enough money left over to give generously and then live off the interest.

Probably the best get-rich-quick scheme that has made people into instant millionaires is the lottery, in most U.S. states. Have you wondered what you would do with all that money if you won the lottery? Well, most likely you would pay off all your debts, put some away for the kids to go to college, buy a larger house, buy a second house, buy a few really nice cars, and then live peacefully off the interest. Yes, that would be great, especially the peaceful part. That's how those lottery winners live their lives, right?

Not according to Susan Bradley, who wrote Sudden Money: Managing a Windfall. Bradley found that lottery winners and others who come into new cash will either keep the money and lose family and friends, lose the money and keep family and friends, or lose both. Very few lottery winners keep the money and keep family and friends.

As I researched lottery winners and their lives post-winning, I found this is true many times. Regardless of whether people kept the money or lost most of it, I was interested in why many do not keep family and friends. For most, it was because people wanted the lottery winner to invest in their business ideas, and the new millionaires refused (and the family or friend dropped them), or the new millionaires invested, and it was a bust (and the millionaire dropped the family or friend). For some, it was because people wanted the winner to support them or give them free stuff.

Janite Lee won $18 million in 1993 in Missouri. She generously gave money to charities, schools, politicians, and education. Eight years after winning, she filed for bankruptcy. She had $700 left.

Billie Bob Harrell won $31 million in 1997 in Texas. He was to receive $1.24 million annually for 25 years. It was great at first. He bought a ranch. He bought homes and cars for himself and family members. He gave generously to his church and to people in need. A lot of people came to him requesting money. But the giving, lending, and spending got out of control. His wife left him a year later, and in 1999 he killed himself.

Sometimes just being a relative of a lottery winner is bad news. In 2004 in Illinois, a teenage girl whose grandfather won the lottery a couple years earlier overdosed on drugs, which she was able to buy because her grandfather supplied the money. Other teens who knew she had a lot of money pressured her to buy the drugs and use them.

Just like when psychologists say that love and hate run closely together, so do sudden wealth and sudden loss. People who come into money quickly, such as lottery winners and people who receive large inheritances, usually make decisions too soon. They put their house on the market and buy a new one right away. They buy several cars, quit their jobs, and invest in ideas that sound great.

So what can a person do to protect themselves when they suddenly find themselves with a lot of money?

The first is to proclaim a moratorium on decision-making. They should put the money into safe investments for the time being and then take some time (say, 3 to 6 months) before taking any action on money decisions. The 3- to 6-month timeframe is a planning stage.

The next thing they need to do is to get organized and focused. They need to list the major life decisions they'll need to make in the next 5 years. Then they should list their assets and debts, and review their current insurance coverage.

During the 3- to 6-month planning stage, they should write out how they're going to live during this stage. What will their expenses be? Where will they get their income during this time (and how much)? How long will this planning stage last?

Beyond the planning stage, they need to review their income for the following 12 months and beyond. They should plan out their taxes and what is leftover. They need to plan out what they want their life to look like in the next 5 years. (For example, where will you live? What will you do every day? What will you be involved in? How extravagant will your life become?) They need to ask themselves what future expenses are coming, such as college education, retirement, and really great trips. Plus, they need to plan for how much philanthropy they want to be involved in, for at least the next 5 years.

During the planning stage, a new millionaire will also want to find a financial advisor, accountant, and estate attorney (and perhaps a wealth psychologist). They can ask for referrals and then interview each professional to get a good idea of compatibility.

I know people who play the lottery regularly. I told them if they win to come talk to me and I'll give them some decision-making advice (without asking for handouts).

In addition, I've read that people who come into sudden money notice their phone ringing a lot more often, as people they don't even know find out about their new money, find their phone number, and start calling asking for investment money and handouts. (This is in addition to the family members and friends who start calling a lot more often.) This would be a good time to either drop the home phone number completely (even if that number has been the home number for years) or get a new home number. Likewise, getting new cell phone numbers would probably be a good idea. (Then only tell select people the new numbers.)

What about those friends and family you might lose if you come into sudden money? You know what? You can't control other peoples' responses when you choose not to invest in their business ideas or give them loans or handouts. You have to make the best decisions you can with your new money and let the other chips fall where they may.

I've realized that when I've gone through difficult times, I've found out who my real friends are. The same principle applies to sudden money. If you get it, you will know who your real friends are within one year.

If you ever find yourself the recipient of an influx of cash, keep your head on straight. Don't go to extremes. Give yourself quarterly reality checks. Expect that you are going to lose some friends and family members. And get advice from several qualified professional people regularly.

Glory Borgeson is a business coach, author, and speaker, and the president of Borgeson Consulting, Inc. She works with two groups of people: Small business owners, to help them catapult their business to new levels of profit; and executives in the "honeymoon phase" of a new position (typically the first two years) to coach them to success. Top athletes have a coach; why not you?

E-mail us for a FREE copy of the "Brand Yourself! Special Report" (a $14.95 value). If you haven't pursued much about personal branding, this is the time to start! Send us an e-mail at info@borgesonconsulting.com and in the Subject type "Brand Yourself Special Report"!

Also check out Glory's book, "Catapult Your Business to New Heights: Sure-Fire Strategies to Increase Profit". Designed to get small businesses on a better profit-making path, "Catapult" is a practical approach that exercises both the business and the owner! The book is available in both Paperback and E-book versions. Click here to find out more: Programs & Products (Or purchase on Amazon.)

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

North Carolina Unclaimed Money Reaches $700 Million

As more NC unclaimed money continues to be turned over to the state, than
returned to it's rightful owners, the state's missing money treasure chest has
swelled to a record $700 million! These unclaimed funds already belong to
regular people whose only obstacle is learning to properly search for and locate
all possible claims.

According to the North Carolina Department of the Treasurer, there are over
100 types of property that may become unclaimed after being dormant for 1-5
years (depending on the type of property). Of those 100 types, NC lists
"bank accounts, wages, utility deposits, insurance policy proceeds, stocks,
bonds, and contents of safe deposit boxes that have been abandoned" as
some of the most common.

As with unclaimed property across the country, the biggest obstacle in
discovering North Carolina unclaimed money, is often the peoples' searching
capabilities. For starters, very few people are even aware of these abandoned
funds (or they'd obviously have never forgotten them), and those that are
aware, simply haven't been taught the proper way to search.

With nearly 1.5 million properties being held by the state, the chances of being
owed money are better than ever. Every Tar Heel out there should rush out
there and begin their search. But those who aren't educated on finding
unclaimed assets could be in for a lot of frustration and wasted time, unless they
learn how NOT to search.

Most people seeking to reclaim their lost money think that if they can find a
website to input their name and click a "search" button, they've done all they
need to do. This couldn't be further from the truth. For starters, not all
databases are legitimate, and those that are can only be considered as good as
who updates them.

Suppose a person searches their name on Friday, but a state employee hasn't
actually added a record in that person's name until Saturday. The search would
obviously be unsuccessful, even though the person was owed money.
Unclaimed money lists aren't updated in real time, so searching frequently is one
of the best methods to implement if you would like to be confident in the results
of your search.

Out of date records aren't always the fault of the state. If the asset simply
hasn't been dormant long enough to be considered unclaimed, then it won't
have been turned over to the state. Strict laws dictate how found money is
handled in each state, so you won't issues like a bank turning over a bank
account after 6 months, simply because you hadn't accessed it. So again, a
lack of a record doesn't mean you aren't due a claim, and you should check
again regularly.

As was mentioned, there are differing "dormancy periods" for each type of
property, which commonly range from 1-5 years. This means that after periods
of inactivity exceed those dormancy periods, the companies who hold these
properties are required to turn them over to the state if they are unable to find
the rightful owner on their own. At this point, the state will act as a custodian,
essentially a "holder" until you claim your money.

There are countless problems, in addition to the examples of search issues
mentioned above that often befall new searchers, which makes it all the more
important that the people of North Carolina allow an unclaimed money expert
to provide them with a step-by-step guide for navigating the lost assets maze.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site is http://www.unclaimedmoney.net which is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for North Carolina unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money in Affiliate Marketing - 3 Tips to Get the Money

Today there is a great deal of money to be made in affiliate marketing, but many people do not even know where to begin. Making money online using affiliate marketing can be very simple, and with a little effort and a good idea, you can soon be bringing in the money. Here are three simple tips which can help you to use affiliate marketing for extra income.

Tip number one: Find the right idea. This might take some brainstorming sessions and internet searches, but finding the right idea is essential. What you are looking for is a segment of the population which has a need that is not being met, or perhaps a group of people who really need a better option for current products which they need.

Ideally, you will want to focus on a group which has a very specialized interest, so that you can best appeal to your group. For example, if you want to market products to outdoor enthusiasts, you should focus on some specific aspect of that, such as fly fishing.

Tip number two: Create a blog, and add affiliate links. The main thing you will need to do with your blog is to give good content, as well as affiliate links. If you want to appeal to the group you are seeking, put some valuable and helpful information on your blog. While it will cost you some time and effort to do so, you will be well repaid when your customer begin clicking links on your blog.

Tip number three: Start finding a way to send internet traffic to your blog. The more specialized your blog is, the higher chance is that your blog will appear in internet searches. Since you are competing with fewer blogs with your same specialty, your chance of ranking high in search engines is very good.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ unique visitors per month at no cost! => http://www.ExplosiveTrafficSystem.com

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money in 24 Hours Using Clickbank

Clickbank is one of the most trusted payment processor sites online and you can make some serious bucks using this system. Don't think of Clickbank for just payment processing, you need to start thinking dollar signs.

Here are a few ways you can generate a decent income using Clickbank. Anyone can do this even my grandmother. You can if you put it to action right away, you can make money within 24 hours from now. Are you ready?

First you need to sign up at Clickbank.com for a free account, which is Free and very simple. You should skim through this without a problem.

After you are signed up, click on the "market place" link at the top of the page and start searching for products to promote, you can choose from different categories, like business or health.

Also if you have an existing business, you can simply add these products to your website or send them to your mailing list, of course you don't need a mailing list to actually cash in BIG. When you see a product you like, just click "get hoplink" to get your product code, this is the code you'll need to promote that particular product, which Clickbank will use to track all your sales.

If you have your own product/s you want to sell, you can sell them through Clickbank, it only cost less than $50.00 to become a merchant, which is a lot better and cheaper than setting up your own business merchant account.

Want to get paid from letting other people promote your product for you? Signing up with Clickbank as a vendor is the fastest way to recruit affiliates to sell your product/s. You can literally get rich quick, well maybe not quick, but close enough.

Clickbank itself has an affiliate program that you can start promoting for free, it doesn't pay much, but hey, money is money right? I'll take it.

Earn $1,000s Weekly With NO Out Of Pocket Cost...EVER
Click Here to Join this Free Business Opportunity.

Richelle A. Whiting has been an internet marketer for 5 years and enjoys playing around with the internet, learning more each day to boost her income. She has dedicated herself to helping others do the same.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Making Ideas

Internet is providing excellent opportunities to make money. It is very easy to make money on internet provided you are ready to learn the money making ideas. There are various ways to make money. Ebay is the most successful money making idea online. It is closely followed by Google AdSense. Ebay has made thousands of millionaires and is unmatched. Ebay is the second biggest employer on America if we take the statistics of people making money with ebay in America. Learning ebay is very easy because there are websites along with the official ebay website offering information for free. To become a successful seller on ebay I would suggest you to follow the trusted method of trial by error.

Google AdSense is another genuine money making idea. There are many programs like AdSense but none matches AdSense when it comes to payment per click. To have AdSense you need a blog or a website. It is very easy to learn AdSense too with websites now offering free information. You have to be careful when dealing with AdSense. Google AdSense has zero tolerance towards fraudulent activities. It has a way to find fraudulent clicks and it bans the member immediately.
Paid surveys are next in my list of money making ideas. You get paid for answering surveys. There are many multinational companies that spend millions of dollars to know our opinion. After we join as a member to these survey providers they send surveys based on our profiles. Every time we answer a survey we receive monetary benefit. Here referring people under our referral link multiply our earnings. Refer your friends and relatives to it and make money every time they or their referrals answer a survey.

Paid to read emails also works in the way similar to paid surveys. Join as a member, read the emails sent, enroll your friends and relatives under your referral link. Sit back and make money.
Now let us turn our attention to affiliate marketing. Here you sell goods which are not in your physical custody. It saves you the place to save and the trouble shipping the product. You refer people under your affiliate link to the owner's website and pocket the commission. It is the most famous money making idea online.

There are many more money making ideas and I would suggest you to spend time learning all the methods and start earning. Do remember there is no such thing like getting rich overnight. You have to work to hard to make money.


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Develop Winning Money Management Skills

Is it true that more money will yield more fortune? Not certain. The life stories and habits of the wealthy doesn't support the popular believe that the more you earn, the rosier your life will become. If money were to create life fortunes, lottery winners could have remained very rich years after hitting the big buck. What about great boxers whose fortunes has suddenly nose-dived? Hollywood celebrities of yesteryear are currently living in abject penury as a result of lack of money management skills. You surely don't wish to remain in the rat race all your life.

Robert G. Allen in his book multiple streams of income emphasize on the need to acquire good money management habits as the wealthy people do so that you can become wealthy and financially free. Your money habits will determine your financial future. Your money habit is the key factor to your character money- wise and your financial destiny. You will continue to experience long term lack and financial short comings as long as you remain unlearned in the skills of profitable money management.

Now back to Robert Allen. His book spoke much about what you should do with the money you earn during your working years...

6 Profitable Ways To Effectively Manage Your Hard Earned Money

Throughout Your Working Years So That You Can Gracefully Retire To Enjoy...

Money Habit 1: Value and Control It

The very first skill you must acquire is to value the money you earn. The money in your hand is likened to a seed. That seed could germinate and grow several money trees that will yield durable fruits in the future.

Do you know that the single dollar in your hand is a potential one million dollars? You call that an exaggeration? Okay listen to this. Recently an analysis was done in the United States to know the actual value of a dollar several years ago as compared with its current value at the New York exchange. That one dollar was estimated to be more than $1 million. The money was put in instruments that overgrew inflation over the years.

You can now see why you must not undermine the value of that naira in your hand?

To practically achieve this goal, you must as a matter of urgency get acquainted with how you spend every dollar you earn.

Strive to know more about your personal account. Categorize your expenditure outlets and spend your income in that order. Have a record of your personal finance in a durable book.

I learnt this lesson very early enough when I started my working career. I quickly bought a hard cover ledger book where I record my money spending habits to keep track of how my income is being spent over the years. The mere knowledge of how I spend my salary in the last 5 years has opened my eyes to several other things like the determination to take my financial future out of the hands of Government. I feel a kind of confidence and measure of power of that knowledge which has helped me to acquire financial discipline. I now know the true meaning of asset and liability.

Anything you spend your money on without the prospect of making more money is a liability. Period!

Money Habit 2: Save It

This one is not new to most civil servants. They know how to do this very well. Nevertheless, I must point your attention to how to do it for maximum benefit. Your savings should be a tangible percentage of your salary. Financial experts suggest you save up to 10% of your income and if you can do better than that, good for you.

One thing you must however work against is to allow your savings to be eaten up by inflation.

Your goal should not be only to save but to ensure that your savings is not left at the mercy of inflation. Keeping devalued money is not worth the effort.

You should adopt the principle of saving sufficient amount capable of sustaining you and your family for 3 months even if you are not paid your salary. The left over should be channeled to the next money management habit...

Money Habit 3: Invest It

This is what most income earners never know how to do well. Some out -rightly avoid it for fear of losing their hard earned money and yet what they did not know is lacking is the right information on how to be smart investors.

I have taken it upon myself to speak to some senior civil servants on this matter; what I discovered left much to be desired. Some who invested put their monies on enterprise that will keep them enslaved after retirement. When are you going to enjoy your life if you still continue the same way you worked for Government after retirement? Your strength diminishes with old age so you must learn to invest your money in money instruments that has the potential to multiply the money while you rest.

Robbert Kiyosaki an American financial expert spoke extensively on the 7 levels of investors that I will share with you briefly to further sensitize and empower you to put your financial destiny in your hands.

Level 0

These people have no money to invest. They either spend everything they make or spend more than they make. There are many 'rich' people who would fall into this category. Unfortunately this zero level is where about 50% of the adult population would be categorized.

Level 1: Borrowers

These people solve financial problems by borrowing money. Often they even invest with borrowed money. Their idea of financial planning is robbing Peter to pay Paul. They live their financial lives with their head in the sand like an ostrich hoping and praying that everything will work out. While they may have a few assets, the reality is that their level of debt is simply too high. For the most part, they are not conscious about money and their spending habits.

Level 2: Savers

These people put aside a 'small amount of money usually in a regular basis'. The money is in a lower risk, low return vehicle such as a money market checking account, savings account or certificate of deposit.

They often save to consume rather than to invest ( e.g. they save for a new T.V., car, vacation etc). they believe in paying in cash, they like the security of money in the bank.

Level 3: Investors

There are 3 different types of investors in this group. This level of investor is aware of the need to invest. Generally they are intelligent people who have a solid education. They make up what we call the middle class. However when it comes to investing, they are often not educated....

Level 4: Long Term Investors

These investors are clearly aware of the need to invest. They are actively involved in their own investment decisions. They invest in their education before actually buying any investment.

If you are not yet a long-term investor, get yourself there as fast as you can. This means that you sit down and map out a plan. Get control of your spending habits. Minimize your debts liabilities. Live within your means and then increase your means.

Level 5: Sophisticated Investors

These investors can 'afford' to seek more aggressive or risky investment strategies because they have good money habits, a solid foundation of money and also investment savvy. They are focused, not usually diversified. They often buy investment wholesale rather than retail. They are well educated in the world of investing and actively seek new information.

Level 6: Capitalists

Few people in the world reach this level of investment excellence. In America, less than one person in a hundred is a true capitalist. A capitalist's purpose is to make money by synergistically orchestrating other people's money, other people's talents and other people's time. It is the capitalist that provide the money that create the jobs, the business, and the goods that make a country prosper. These are the Kennedys, Rockyfellers, Fords, J. Paul Gattys etc.

There you have it; my menu on the 7 levels of investors. Read it over and over again to know where you belong and how you can improve on your money habits. Let's now continue with money habit skills....

Money Habit 4: Make It

Making money is entirely different from investing it. This is the entrepreneurial side of money. If you are not an entrepreneur yet, learn to become one. Everyone will need to create multiple streams of income in the future. The truth is no matter what profession you belong, the present world economy does not favour a monolithic career in a single life time. The crave for downsizing and re-engineering or reform globally by government and private establishments necessitate that you retrain yourself and acquire more money making, marketable skills.

Opportunities abound in computer communication technology for whosoever cares to improve his family financial fortune. You must learn the skills of being your own boss, even if you are working for a solid corporation and plan on retiring there. The world is just too insecure to make long term plan with one company.

You can make money from what you are good at. Get on purpose. Do what you love and the money will follow.

Money Habit 5: Shield It

Making money is one set of skills. Keeping it is another. As you work toward your financial goals, you will need to learn how to preserve the wealth you are creating.

You must learn how to get your homes, cars and business entities out of sight through corporations, trusts and family partnerships to build a financial fortress around your assets. Do not create problems for your wife and children after your death. Make sure they do not fall prey to greedy relations who went to reap where they did not sow.

Money Habit 6: Share It

This is the last money management skill I will share with you. Remember the story of Harvard University which was rated the best in the world. Most of its facilities are not from the American Government but from wealthy Americans. You multiply what you have now through giving. The more you give, the more you too continue to receive. It is better to give than to receive.

Be a consistent giver. Pay your tithe regularly and consistently. Identify the needy around you and show them mercy. Remember that the ultimate purpose of having money is to help others.

Dear friend, here again is the summary of money management skills that will guarantee you a financially free future:

(1) value it

(2) save it

(3) invest it

(4) make it

(5) shield it

(6) share it

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Can Women Make Money Online?

Internet is a powerhouse of resources to make money online. People flock to it when they read a couple of articles about making money online and try out an experiment or, two to ultimately realize that it is not that easy to make money online. They quit, having lost a few thousand dollars in unnecessary things and then start to profess that Internet is full of scam. But the fact still remains that the internet is not all about scams and there are a lot of instances where kids, men and women make money online.

Search the internet for internet marketing millionaires and you would find a lot of men but only a few women. Why are there so many men harnessing the power of the internet? Can a women make money online? I first encountered this question when my wife threw this question at me as I was writing an entry for my blog. The question was something to ponder about. So I responded saying, "Why can't women make money online?"

When I researched further on this question I got my answers. Women do not take to the internet because of the following reasons -

  • They are concerned of their privacy being compromised. They are reluctant to share their identity on a public marketplace like that of the internet for fear of misusing their information.

  • They do not want to get into the hassles of setting up websites, managing them and all the technical codes and html that are attached to it.

  • They felt that they do not have enough material to contribute to the internet which can help them make money.

Their apprehensions could well be understood. My wife was of the opinion that these should not be obstacles but they should act as a stimulus to encourage a women make money online on the internet. I agreed to what she thought.

With internet being the way it is today, you can overcome all of these obstacles.

  • Privacy protection and anti-spamming protocols are so strong these days that your privacy cannot be compromised unless you are too careless.

  • Outsourcing is the name of the game these days. So setting up a website or, managing is not at all difficult and you could very well be on the way to setting up and managing your own website in less than $100.00.

  • Nobody starts off with enough material. But what they start off with is an idea. Women are multi-talented and take care of multiple things at a time. They are the storehouse of multiple ideas borne from the experience of handing multiple things. There are hundreds of other women out there who would benefit from your experience and who are hungry for this information. This information is what can help women make money online on the internet.

4 easy ways that women make money online are as follows:

  1. Blogging - Start a blog with your basic idea. It could be parenting, cooking, managing home and work, child-care, family-care, interior decoration etc. All these make up very interesting reads for a lot of readers and can get your good number of visitors. You may also sell some affiliate products on your blogs which could help you make additional income. Setting up a blog is very easy and you can outsource it for less than $60.00.

  2. EBooks - Write an eBook of whatever information that you are planning to share. Create a PDF file, wrap it up in a good eBook cover which can be designed for less than $50.00 and sell it, on your blogs or, through article marketing. You can even advertise it on relevant blogs owned by others for a nominal charge and you would see yourself re-couping the investment in less than a month.

  3. Article writing - Write about 15-20 articles on the topic of your choice and pack it into a PLR article pack and you can sell it for about $15.00. Sell about 20 of them and you have made $300.00. You can even use these articles in your own blog as well, with a bit of change here and there. You may also sign up freelance article writing services and offer your services for a charge.

  4. Affiliate marketing - This is by far the best source of income on the internet. Set up a blog for free at blogger or, wordpress and promote about 8-10 different affiliate products of your choice and you would be able to make about $4000 - $5000 a month very easily to start off with.

Earning money on the internet is not difficult. All that is required is determination to succeed and a dream that you are following.

The author has helped a lot of people start an online business and is actively involved in article marketing and blogging. You can check out custom blog installation plans and start making money online for a very small investment at his blog here

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Making Ebooks

Money making ebooks come in many guises.

One could give you information on how to set up a website,

get hosting and how to FTP.

Another could extol the virtues of how to use PLR to create your
own products to sell.

Yet another saying that traffic is the key.

I have lost count of the number of money making ebooks telling
us how to profit from Adsense or other contextual advertising.

While, as a stand alone product, each of these ebooks has valuable
information regarding their chosen niche, it is the newbies wish
to get his hands on one manual that can at least start his/her
internet career.

One such ebook did exist 3-4 years ago but at 224 pages, it was like
reading the Lord Of The Rings trilogy from cover to cover.

Money making ebooks are just that. They are designed to make you money.
The majority of ebooks that hit the stands are just reworked material
from 12 months ago with new graphics and chapter titles.
These ebooks did make money for the author, perhaps, but to the newbie
they will struggle.
The author would have made money by selling the ebook, not from
practising what he preaches.

With more and more new and prospective entrepreneurs entering the fray
what is needed is a resource that spells out the steps in simple form.
Steps with minimal cost to the newbie and are proven to work by the
person giving out the information.
That would be the greatest money making ebook ever.

Attaching yourself with an experienced online marketer and following his/her
suggestions and recommendations would be beneficial. The majority of the
heavy hitters are sincere in getting you to the top. They truly believe
in a win/win situation but there is a minority just out to make a quick
The only money making ebook they would recommend is there own.
It is true what they say. If you are any good, others will spread the word.
If someone is blowing their own trumpet, RUN.

You are looking for someone with similar ethics and values as your own.
Unfortunately, It could take you some time and money to filter the bad ones out.

Of course, If you were to take advantage of the many Giveaway`s that litter the
`net these days, you could pick up some handy money making ebooks for free.
All it will cost you is an email address but that is small compared to the info
that could kick start your online presence.
Do a search for "Giveaway" to find the latest.

Starting an online venture can be daunting for the uninitiated. There is a lot
to absorb.But there are people here willing to help for the right reasons.
You just have to keep an eye out for them and their money making ebooks.

Craig McPherson is the owner of http://GreatestMoneyMakingEbookEver.com
You can download his latest report at no charge now.
He has Authored 4 e-Books in 3 years and willingly gave these away.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Earn Money Stuffing Envelopes

This has been a legend and even when you go for it, you will find out its not exactly stuffing envelopes but some kind of a different job all together. So it all needs you to have the patience and skills to learn and to search for a real mail stuffing job. These jobs are available online and they offer different packages. You need to be an expert in either so as to benefit. These jobs have their own repute so you need to look harder so as to find a real stuffing envelopes job and earn from it.

These are some kind of jobs which require your time and commitment. Companies have opted hiring people to fill online marketing jobs since they want to cut cost and save more money rather than spend it on employees. Stuffing mails is all about marketing. You are in the centre of multi-level marketing whereby you are required to introduce clients; and not just clients, but hordes of client who are really serious. However, you might be lucky to be working for a company that just wants you to introduce clients and not necessarily that they buy.

The reason why these companies want you to work for them is that they view you as enthusiastic, focused and more energetic. Two, you wont benefit from schemes that marketing executives demand including transport allowances, medical, travel to housing and hardship allowances. Eventually, you will earn very good money but the benefits are mild and way off.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.


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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fast Money Making Ideas

Money's tight, times are hard. We've all been there at one time or another. Ends just don't meet. You need a quick infusion of cash. Here are some easy money making ideas to put a few extra dollars in you pocket.

Take inventory of all your stuff. Put aside each item that you can part with. Look for stuff that you can replace later when your finances pick up but aren't doing you any good right now. You need to be pretty severe with your choices. Beg or borrow a digital camera and start taking pictures of each individual item and list them for sale on eBay. You want a really large assortment of things to sell, because they won't all sell, you'll more than likely have some duds.

You can also offer this as a service for others in your area. Post flyers around town noting how successful your auctions have been, include some photographs and your email address/contact info. You can either list each product for a fee or take a percentage of the selling price.

I've said it on other pages here but it bears repeating. Write. Simple, well written 350 word articles written about a popular subject can pull in $5+ each at Associated Content. It's possible to crank out ten to fifteen of them in a day. Those articles can then be recycled as blog posts or website pages.

If you can afford it, buy a domain name and hosting for your site. That way, if your site does start making money, you can offer it for sale. Those free sites belong to the owner of the site (although I have heard of squidoo lenses being 'transferred' for a fee).

Sign up with clickbank.com and promote their products as an affiliate. If you can't afford your own site, use free sites like blogger and squidoo. Build those blogs or pages with your previously sold articles (remember to keep the rights to your articles when you sell them) and set up AdSense on them if its allowed by the site owners' terms of service.

Re-write your articles with a new introduction and conclusion. Reword the middle paragraphs a bit and submit them to free article directories with links back to your free blogs where you have your affiliate links and advertising. Use social bookmarking and networking to create more links and traffic.

With a little thought, and some work, you can create money online with these and other resources. Investigate thoroughly any claims that you can earn hundreds or thousands in a few days after 'joining' a program. It's best to keep your hand on your wallet while you check those offers out.

You'll find dozens of great money making ideas at http://goodmoneymakingideas.com/ Pick the best Money Making Ideas and get started today.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free Grant Money For Home Improvement?

Did you know that there are grant programs that will provide homeowners with free home for their home improvement projects? These programs are offered by some local and state governments and many organizations that provide free grant money. Once obtained, these funds may be able to help you finance the materials and labor with the home improvement projects for your house.

Depending on the specific grant you apply for and receive, these funds can be used to help you purchase new appliances, pay for the expansion of your home, finish your basement, or any other job that will either increase your property value or allow your house to run more efficiently. In addition to the funds that you get approved for, you may be able to claim additional tax exceptions on your year-end taxes as well.

Because home improvement grants are not loans, your application does not generally require a credit check, down payment, or any kind of collateral. As long as you are an American citizen and at least 18 years old, you can submit a grant application to obtain some of this government money and private foundation grants.

As you search the grant database by clicking the links below, you will quickly realize that there are thousands of grant programs available. While many are specifically for small business owners and students, there are many that individuals can apply for to help pay off debt and finance other personal goals you may have in mind. Billions of dollars in free grant money is given away every year, but you have to ask for it.

Instantly access to the database to get your free grant money. See how much you can qualify to receive and obtain your check in as little as 7 days just by asking for home improvement grants.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Madness

Get mad, not even.

Have you ever gotten ticked off about your financial status? I mean irritated, frustrated and just down right stuck on it? Darn it, you want to be able to get whatever you want, when you want it. You were not born to be patient, stress about money nor go without.

Are you still experiencing the desire to have a bit more cash around for comfort? Okay, I know. Some of you are bold enough to admit you want an avalanche of money. It doesn't matter why you want the money. Some of you want it so you can give it away to a cause that has meaning to you. Some of you want simply to be able to pay your bills on time. And many of you want true wealth to have any creature comfort you desire. Any reason is worthy enough to attract money.

The big question is: are you really tired of wanting more? I have watched many clients, as well as myself, whine and fret about money and not do anything about it. What the heck is that about? Complain about your discomfort about money but keep thinking and doing the same things? You know what that's called, right? Insanity. Yep, it'll make you crazy to have the same results and not do anything different.

Do you want to do something different but don't know what to do? Great! Ask for help! That is the first step. Do you know what action is needed but won't do it? GREAT! Break down that step into even smaller steps, and take just one step. I'm serious. The power of even taking the time to take a baby step can change everything.
I don't think it's right for anybody to be suffering over a circumstance that is absolutely within your control. I know to some of you, it feels out of your control but it's not. It all comes down to confidence. Yep! In order to have more money, you have to feel that you are worthy of more money, struggle less and know that you have the resources to attract more. It's incredible how easy it is to have money. But it only seems easy once you've done it a few times.

What is the solution for you - until the time comes that you actually have the money you desire in your pocket or bank account? Breathe. Look at the current situation and breathe. You do this to relax. You get present to what your current state is and accept it. You accept that is real only for this moment. Next, you decide exactly where you are going. Not wishful thinking here. Understand, you have a choice to keep getting the same results by doing the same thing or get committed to something better. What is the something better?

Next, get committed to stop all stressful thoughts about the money. Get pissed off at the ego mind of yours. Tell it to shut up! You have a choice to get bogged down in that stress or not. Now choose simple new habits. They can be small steps…refuse to create any new debt unless you need it…like food on the table. Or commit to one action a day that could potentially bring you new money. You can commit to paying $10 or more each month to a credit card payment (or $1000 if you have it).

I totally believe that most people do understand the power of commitment. Deciding with conviction that something will happen and then trusting that decision will always yield you favorable results. It's the stressing over it that will cause delay in this process. We make poor decisions when under stress because we are reacting rather than planning. Making choices when you have high negative emotions running through your body can create less than satisfactory results.

Again, use your irritation to propel you forward. Turn that negativity into something positive. Step out of stress and defeat and into more powerful emotions and do something new.

Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to http://www.MasterPeaceCoaching.com to get your free ezine or call 707-747-0447 for more info.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Managing Your Money With Personal Finance Software

When you start managing your own money, you begin to realize how much there is to organize, especially if you have a variety of assets on top of your regular checking, savings and credit card accounts. A money manager has to be able to keep track of loans and investments, as well as spending and income. One way to make this easier if you are managing your own money is to use personal finance software.

Using the computer to manage your money

Personal finance software is designed to help you keep track of your income and expenditures, but many programs are also designed to help you organize your investments and other financial transactions. It is possible for you to update your accounts and reconcile them when statements arrive, and to make changes when you do something new. The computer can make money management much more efficient and organized.

Backing up your financial information

Computers, of course, are fallible. Sometimes they crash, and information can be lost. If you use personal finance software to help you manage your money, it is a good idea to back it up when you make changes. You can do this by putting the information on disk, or on an external drive, like a zip drive, external back up drive or a flash stick. It is important to back up your financial information so that it is not lost if your computer has problems. It only takes a few seconds, and it can save your hours of work re-entering all of the information.

If you want to be your own money manager, it can be done with a little education, and some help from a personal finance software program.

See our Recommended Money Management Tools Online.

Save time and money by using one of our recommended personal accounting tools.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money and Emotions

Money is an emotional hot button for most people. How do you feel about money?

Some people go shopping when they feel upset and stressed. They go the store or they go online. They rationalize their purchases telling themselves, "I feel stressed. I need to do something to feel good."  So they buy themselves something to gratify an  immediate need. Hmm.

There went the money that may have gone for a different cause for their future. But you know what? It is gone because they were indulging in the momentary "feel good" to satisfy an emotional need.

Some people spend because they feel unloved. Some people only know how to give love by giving what they consider to be expensive gifts. You know, most people really just want the love. They want the time. They want the attention.

Money cannot give you any of those things. Money cannot buy time. Money cannot buy attention. Money cannot buy love. Money cannot buy happiness. Very often money cannot even buy health. If the only thing that matters in life is being well and being happy, realize that money cannot create either of those states for you.                       

Understand your feelings about money. What causes you to spend money? What stops you before you make a purchase? Does anything stop you from making a purchase--no matter how small, no matter how big? How do you feel when you spend money? Does it make you nervous? Does it make you feel comfortable?

How do you feel when you pull out a credit card to make a big purchase? You're all excited about that new big screen TV or that indoor water fountain or that hot tub. How does it feel in that moment when you hand your card to the sales clerk?  

How do you feel when you read the credit card statement and that big expenditure jumps off the page? Are you okay with it or does it bother you? Well, I don't know what it does for you. That is for you to decide. I'm just suggesting notice, pay attention to how you feel when you spend money.

What you focus on expands and manifests in your life. What thoughts play in the background for you regarding money? Discover how your brain and mind influence your choice of focus completely out of your awareness--and what to do about it.Download my free ebook "What You Don't Know You Don't Know" here: http://creatingthelife.com/ebook1.html

You can take control of your finances and finally get ahead. Find out how at http://creatingthelife.com/money.html

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ways For Kids To Earn Money

Thinking of ways for kids to earn money before they are old enough to have a regular job can seem like a challenge.

Years ago, before child labor laws, it was so normal for kids to be working alongside adults that the very thought of looking for ways for kids to make money would have been ridiculous! Sometimes, the money earned by kids kept a family from starvation.

We live in better times now. There is usually plenty to eat, and we expect our kids to focus on their education, not support the family.

However, the school system in the Western world is highly geared to producing good employees. There are real risks if you leave your child's financial education to the so-called "education experts". Remember that the teachers, the inspectors, the administrators, the people who write the curriculum guidelines, and the politicians who make the laws about education are all, themselves, employees. Many of them have never been anything else.

It's up to parents to instill that good old-fashioned value of self-reliance, and encourage kids to get out and make money for themselves.

Kids can do all sorts of things to earn money. The only limit is your imagination.


Baking for busy working mothers

Collecting aluminium cans

Cleaning swimming pools


Letter-box leaflet drops

Running errands

Dog washing

Selling things on eBay

Making jewellery

Making My Space backgrounds


Collecting for charity on commission

Buying bulk candy and selling individual pieces

Entertainers at kids' parties

Exercising horses

Breeding rats (or other pets)

Comic book rental library

Toy rental library

Collecting lost golf balls

Washing cars

... and hundreds more!

Not so long ago, kids didn't need to look for ways to earn money, because 95% or more of the population were self-employed. People worked on their own farms, in retail, or in cottage industries. Kids grew up surrounded by commerce, watching the exchange of valuable services for money, and inhaling the principles of adding value and making a profit with their every breath.

These days, the majority of people depend on someone else's entrepreneurial spirit to generate revenue and pay them a wage directly, or they are indirectly relying on those same business owners because they work for a government funded by taxing the private sector and its employees.

With this shift from enterprise to job-seeking has come a corresponding shift from self-reliance to dependence. We have almost lost the ability to take care of ourselves financially.

Most people are expecting an employer or the government to take care of them when they can no longer work. Or, worse, they aren't even thinking about how they might survive financially beyond this year, this month, or even this week.

Basic entrepreneurship should be part of every child's education. But we can't expect the employees who teach in schools to pass on skills they don't have. As with the other crucial life skills like dental hygiene, eating right, and avoiding poisons, teaching the skills of money and business is very much the parent's responsibility. Help your kids to find ways to earn money, and build their skills for life.

Free book to download - Finding The Right Niche For Your Cash-Smart Kid Free email course - Get Started! How To Start A Money-Making Web Site For Your Child

Jenny Ford is an expert in educating children about business and wealth creation. She is one of the founders of Cash-Smart Kids.
She holds an Honours degree in Psychology, a Diploma in Training and Assessment Systems, and an Advanced Diploma in Business Management. She is the mother of three young entrepreneurs, all of whom started successful businesses when they were nine to twelve years old.
Kids Money Articles Review by Jenny Ford

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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Management Guide

When the prices of commodities are booming and expenditure is increasing in every manner, it becomes essential to make some planning for your income.

• The best way to take care of your money is to plan a budget. A budget should keep a track of all your expenses. The indispensable expenses like education fee of the kids, the bills, the fuel, taxes etc. should be estimated and subtracted from the monthly salary. Then monitor the other likely expenses like gifts on friend’s birthday in that month, your anniversary, weekend outing and the like. The amount that is left after reducing the essentials should be planned in such a manner that you end up with little, at times even negligible savings.

‘A Penny saved is a Penny earned’. Savings are very crucial in today’s life. But many people do not understand the relevance of savings. An individual, who develops the habit of saving money, never falls short of it especially in exigency situations.

If the outlay outweighs the income, situation is called a negative cash flow. In this case you ought to be extra vigilant while spending money. Try to reduce the weekend trips, partying at home or outside, purchasing needless items etc. If possible make a new budget where you have optimized the costs. It then becomes your duty to abide by this budget in order to avoid pitfalls. While if the case is other way round i.e. the cash inflow is more than its outflow, its time to cheer and of course make some savings for the future.

• Next good thing you can do to manage your money is to make investments. Investments can be of different types. You can invest in a property or land, in banks, in stocks etc. The investments you make not only keep your money secure but also give you good returns. Like money that is kept in a fixed deposit in a bank is supplemented with interest amount, the cash invested in purchasing shares of an eminent and successful company, always give a great output etc.

If you are investing in some trust or insurance policies, your wealth will not just be beneficial for you till the time you live; it will also be a financial security for your children and grandchildren in future. So investments generally are rewarding, they do not go futile. But before making any investment, you must enquire about the pros and cons of it. For instance, high risk is involved in investing money in the stock market as the economy is fluctuating unbelievably. Here, you should acquire complete information that when to purchase the stocks and for which company that will never let you down etc. The case is not different with investing in property, but the risk factor is not so high here. The rates for property are never stagnant. So it is better to purchase the land when the market is down and sell it when the prices take a flight. In any case, first acquaint yourself with all the facts and basics, and then only invest. Remember your purpose is to make money from money not to lose with whatever you have.

• Are you a credit card bug? If you are and your expenses do not meet the income, forget the credit cards. The credit card money is charged with high rate of interest. Though it is the easiest form of money, yet it can be very troubling later. People keep on withdrawing the money from the bank’s or company’s credit and the interest simultaneously keeps on accumulating. Finally, the credit card bill comes as a nightmare to many. So it is better to avoid using credit card wherever possible. Try to use it only in case of an urgent situation.

• Keep an accountant if you yourself are not able to keep a track of all your transactions.

Money Management is simple, if you become a little judicious.

Mansi aggarwal writes about money management guide. Learn more at http://www.learntomanagemoney.com .

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Attracting Affirmations to Increase Wealth

Money attracting affirmations can be a great way to bring more abundance and wealth into your life, they can help to change your overall attitude with money. It seems that there are many people in the world that suffer from a lack of money, and using these positive money affirmations can help them get out of the rut and start enjoying life.

There are some people that attract money easily. They have large amounts of money all the time, and they make it look so simple! The secret to attracting money is to change our attitude with wealth by using money attracting affirmations. Spending a few minutes each day focusing on these positive statements can bring about huge changes in your life.

Stop thinking about how hard it is to get and start focusing on the simplicity of money, and how it flows to you easily. You should always have some positive money affirmations available, and whenever a negative thought about wealth enters your mind it you need to immediately replace it with the positive affirmation.

Negative thoughts happen to everyone, but the difference between a successful person and a failure is that the successful person does not dwell on those negative thoughts. Instead of letting the negative thoughts about wealth overtake their thinking, they immediately replace the negativity with positive money attracting affirmations.

You can use money attracting affirmations to increase the wealth in your life. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your money attracting affirmations. During this time, you should really feel what it is like to have wealth. Visualize it so strongly so that you begin to believe it. And the money will start flowing from unexpected places!

View yourself in the lifestyle that you want to live. Imagine the home that you would like to own, the car you want to drive, and the vacations you would like to take. Keep those positive and exciting thoughts forefront in your mind, and drive out the negativity and stress whenever it tries to creep in.

As you practice your money attracting affirmations on a daily basis, you will find that your reality will change and money will begin to flow to you more easily. It is important that you use specific affirmations that are worded correctly in order for the process to be the most effective. Experience immediate change in your life by visiting our website for more information about using effective affirmations: http://www.dailyaffirmationsonline.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Easy Online Money Writing Articles

Content is king on the Internet today. Search engines, webmasters, and people seeking information are constantly on the lookout for quality written content. One of the most common sources of written information is articles. There are thousands of article directories that are accepting articles every day. And almost all of these online businesses are making money. That's right, they are making money using YOUR articles.

If you can write a 300 to 500 word article, you can make money too! One of the easiest ways to make money online is through ghostwriting. A ghostwriter is someone who writes articles for others. The ghostwriter gives up any right to the article after it is written. It belongs to the person who paid you to have it written. They can do whatever they want with the article.

For each article you write, you can make four or five dollars. If the subject requires a lot of research, you can make twice that amount. If you are a prolific writer, you can easily make fifty dollars a day. But how can you tap into this lucrative market?

My favorite method is to visit the large forums. I use the Warrior Forum and Digital Point but them are thousands of others. Visitors to these sites are always looking for fresh exclusive articles. Begin by registering as a member of the forum. You will need to do this in order to enter a posting.

Once you've registered, do a search for articles. Examine the posting along with any replies. Look for people who are seeking out articles. I can honestly say that I have never seen a day when I couldn't find at least one person who wanted to buy articles. If you can't find anyone interested, enter your own thread offering to write articles for others. Do not mention the price that you are asking. Finish your posting by asking interested parties to send you a private message for further details.

When someone contacts you, make sure you are clear on the details of their request; how many words, how much detail, will they supply research, etc. After getting this information, determine how much money you want to write the article. Not everyone will accept your offer. That is okay; you don't want to work for free. Using this technique, you WILL make money. So, what are you waiting for, get busy!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money, Prosperity, Abundance

The Purpose of Money

Unfortunately, much of humanity is so focused on making money that it has lost sight of deeper purposes. Persons in or affiliated with traditional organizations are perhaps particularly adept at this focus on money, or, as we like to say, "the bottom line."

We are moving into a time (or are we in it?) when we can more easily see the manifestations of our false beliefs. We are facing experiences that more easily teach us to tap into higher purposes and more empowering intention. We will surely get this teaching. Since I have entitled this article, "Money, Prosperity, Abundance," I want to define my terms. For me, each word connotes a different meaning and resonates to a different vibration.

The Meaning of Money, Prosperity, and Abundance

Money is a means of exchange, energy in the form of coins or wampum or reduced to paper as currency. Gold and silver have value -- both intrinsic and extrinsic -- but paper only represents value. The only power money has is the power we give it. Prosperity means flourishing and thriving. We tend to equate prosperity with good fortune and success and affluence, the good things of life. Abundance is an overflowing supply, fullness. The Infinite Source is our supply.

Energetically, money has the lowest vibration of these three. When fears surround money, the vibration moves to a still lower frequency. We can touch and see money. We have many myths and cliches about money (root of all evil, growing on trees, rainy day, buying happiness, and more).

The energy of prosperity has more of a flow to it than money -- listen to the word "prosperity" as you say it out loud and resonate to its vibration. You can feel similar resonance of the words that I used above to define prosperity, also.

Abundance resonates with words and ideas like joy and love and wisdom. Abundance is not really of this physical world, although we use it to manifest in the physical world. We cannot see abundance, we can only see manifestations of abundance. So, too, we cannot see love or joy or wisdom, but we can have feelings, pictures, and examples of the manifestations. All energy comes from Spirit. And Spirit is abundant, infinite, unlimited.

Creating Money, Prosperity and Abundance

When we focus our attention in the world of money, we tend to believe that the only way to generate more money is with money or something else that is tangible or physical. In other words, there is a belief that we can only create something "new" from something that is already created. This is a false belief. This is a belief that is coming to the surface for humanity right now as our money and organizational systems are challenged.

When we live in the consciousness of abundance, we know that we can create more of everything from the Source. There is no fear in this consciousness. Consider how you feel when you are surrounded by the richness of nature, one of the physical world's manifestations of abundance. Ideas flow. Peace is present. You can more easily touch your own joy. You vibrate to abundance.

Releasing Fears and Resistance

Fears and resistance about money are strong in our society, especially now. Such thoughts and feelings are not necessarily in direct proportion to the quantity of money an individual or organization has. Those with considerable financial means often live with more fears and resistance about money than those with modest resources. The usual response to this phenomenon is, "Of course, they have more to lose." But I say it goes deeper than that.

Fears and resistance about money are embedded deeply in the human consciousness because of the attention and feelings associated with it. Since I can see thought forms, I see how and where such dynamics are embedded. These dynamics permeate all aspects of our lives as a society, and impact us even when we do not personally embrace the specific concept. These embedded dynamics disappear as we lift our vibration and consciousness to appreciate abundance.

Fears and resistance about money can be released by surrendering -- often a tough concept for those who have been "successful" in our society. We release fears and resistance by knowing that we opening to wellness and abundance rather than overcoming sickness and poverty. We release by being attentive to our own growth process. We release by letting go. We release by no longer resisting.

Moving Forward

I know -- both personally and energetically -- many successful persons who are being challenged to move into and stay in their spiritual knowingness. Those who have been successful and prosperous in the world as it has been must now shift their foundation so that they believe in the Source of their manifested physical things rather than the belief in the manifested physical things themselves.

In your own family or organization or other group, you might consider ways to discuss concepts of abundance and prosperity and togetherness and plenty and love. Here is a simple example: the word "downsizing" is an anti-abundance concept. It is also dehumanizing, by the way. Consider, also, that "doing more with less" is a mixed vibration -- do you want "more" or "less"? Consider how you can promote more healthy concepts and clear messages.

The dichotomy of wealth and poverty is not merely an issue of distribution, but one of consciousness. We are moving into a new paradigm, a paradigm that includes the awareness and acknowledgement of Spirit. Let's make the move consciously, joyfully, and abundantly. More than enough exists in this world that is constantly expanding.

Copyright © 1993, 2005 Marshall House. All rights reserved. You may save this article or send it to a friend, provided the entire article and this information remains complete. Please read Empowering Practices (edition on Relationship to Money) http://www.mhmail.com/empowering-practices/0512.html and JMviews Empowerment http://www.jmviews.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Make a Lot of Money Instantly and Avoid Scams?

Many websites and articles tend to answer this question - How to make a lot of money, but none provide solid information on How To Avoid Scams... If you are not careful, you might fall into the trap and lose a lot of money! Scams for people are easier to identify, but scams from the system is naturally embedded, hard to identify.

What are the scams we should be aware of when getting started?

Scam #1 - There are secrets to success!

Nope, there are no secrets to make a lot of money, everything you need is publicly available online, trust me on this!

Scam #2 - The more I learn the more I earn.

Nope, the more you do, the more you earn, some rookie spends too much time on learning and not doing things! Only take action will make you money, will sharpen your skill.

Scam #3 - The are an easy way to make a lot of money...

Nope, the easiest, fastest way to success is doing it, and to practice, practice and practice, do it consistently and SMARTLY! You will train your skill and find the fastest way after many attempts, do think for a moment there are special shortcut!

So, how to make a lot of money instantly? Just do it! The best way to start your online business is affiliate marketing, the fastest way to earn money instantly without the needs of product. Your job is to use articles to draw massive traffic and pre-sell your visitors and then send them to your affiliate website! If your visitor buy, you get the commission instantly!

Still think there better ways to make a lot of money? I urge you stop wondering and start learning affiliate marketing and article marketing!

Find more information about affiliate marketing and article marketing on my blog, you are welcome to comment and ask me question at Make Money Over The Internet Blog => http://www.ultimate-iwealth.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money With No Money

Make money with no money - sounds great, doesn't it? But is it really doable?

The answer is surprisingly - yes. Making money without paying first is very much possible - you just have to know where to look.

That being said, how great would it be if you could make a few hundred dollars online in the next 2-3 days? What would you use the money for? An iPod? Paying bills? A trip?

Since you're reading an article on how to make quick money, I'm assuming that you're not interested in learning some elaborate way of building an online empire, so I'll spare you the fluff.

First let me burst your "make money with no money bubble": If you really think you can make several hundred dollars over the next 2-3 days without working hard, I have some Enron shares I'd like to sell you.

To make money with no money, you have to work just as hard as with anything else. The difference is that you're going to be working smart - very smart. As you're reading this, thousands of people are being paid handsomely for something you never dreamed you could make money on.

If you have an e-mail account - if you've been online for more than a day, you should be familiar with the products behind this wonderful "make quick money" method. Yet, you'd never guess in a million years that you could actually make quick money on it.

...ever see those "get a free iPod" ads? Well if you've tried clicking it, you quickly found out that in order to earn that iPod, you had to spend hours online filling out information, and then you had to sign up 10 friends who had to do the same thing. THEN, you'd get your iPod. In other words, by the time you get your iPod, you friends will be extremely annoyed with you and you'll have spent a week exhausting yourself in the process. Not an ideal way at all to make money with no money.

Well guess what?!

Some clever marketers figured out a way to not only make that system work for them effortlessly, but they are out there as we speak, looking for people like you and me to pay cold, hard cash - over and over. They do not charge a fee, so you do make money with no money. The work itself is extremely easy to do, but does require that you put some time into it.

There are a lot of sites out there that promise that you can make money with no money, but in my experience, they all fall short at some point or another. Except, of course, the make-money-with-no-money method I have just described to you. That method is known as Online Forum Trading.

For more information, visit: http://makemoneyfastthehonestway.com

Tommy Anderson is a successful online marketer who specializes in quick cash generation, followed by building a solid residual income online. His passion is showing struggling online marketers how to Make Money With No Money by taking advantage of the web's best kept secrets and strategies.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Transfer Services To India Reviewed

In late 2007 It was confirmed by the world bank that India were the largest recipients of money transfers via money transfer services. Indeed India received $23.4 billion via the main money transfer service WUnion. In fact they recently opened their 300,000 the agent location world wide in India bringing the total number of agents there to 36,000. This of course is mainly due to working migrants transferring money back to family and friends.

However with the money transfer industry growing all the time, currently at over 10% per year there are many ways to transfer money to India and many companies to choose from. Here is a quick comparison of some of the main ways to transfer money to India, the fee shown relates to a money transfer being sent from New York, America over to India:

MoneyGram: $10, the only downside to this company is that you can only use their online service if you are based in America, it is therefore not available for anyone living elsewhere.

WUnion: The biggest money transfer service provider of sending money to India: $10, their money in minutes service is undoubtedly fast and efficient. The money is certainly available very rapidly providing the collector gives appropriate identification.

Xoom Money Transfer: $9.99 is their usual fee but you can significantly reduce this figure if you request a delayed transaction, this simply mean instead of them sending the money immediately they take a few days to do so. This service is only $2.00 so it certainly pays to plan ahead with your finances. A further added bonus to users of Xoom are that if the amount you send is in excess of $700 they will not charge you a fee at all! Additionally they can have it deposited direct into a bank account for you or even arrange a home delivery for you if required. Whilst not having as many agents as WUnion 4,350 is still a good start.

Ikobo: $5 will see your money transferred to India, however the procedure isn't completely straight forward as there is an application process to go through and you have to first send an ATM card to the recipient whop can then use the card at over 1,000,000 ATM's worldwide.

Paypal: well it is virtually free save for a few cents here and there. Money can be transferred to any email address instantly but don't let that fool you, the money has to be first uploaded to your paypal account and then downloaded to the recipients bank account (provided both accounts are verified, which can take a week to do) in total this can be a couple of weeks.

ICICI bank: They offer zero charge providing the recipient has an NRE/NRI account. They also give you an excellent exchange rate. The service is known as Money2India. They can have money sent for you to any branch nationwide across India. CitiNRI and Citibank also offer excellent services and run very competitive promotions from time to time.

The above are just a few options outlined, of course there are many other methods. The main point is to shop around, consider how frequently you send money, the exchange rate and how urgently you need to send the money. Always check exactly what exchange rate you are getting and you should be able to find a safe and efficient money transfer service without too much difficulty.

Money Transfer Review provides free money saving comparison charts, safety tips and money saving advice for all your money transfer needs. Simply click: Money Transfer or Transfer Money Overseas to discover more.

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Management By Creating A Budget

Money management is much easier to control and understand if you create a well thought out and realistic budget. How do you know what a realistic budget looks like? First of all, you need to recognize that while it is important to cut your spending of frivolous items and daily trips to the vending machines you should still create a section in your budget for fun. This will prevent you from feeling deprived while managing your money, but once that money is gone for the month your spending will have to cease as well.

When creating a budget to manage your money you should begin by writing down all of your fixed monthly expenses. This would include your rent or mortgage, insurance, phone and Internet bills, electric and anything else you receive a monthly bill for, along with their amounts.

Take a close look at each of these items on your list. While some may be unavoidable, there may be others that you are either paying too much for each month or can eliminate altogether. A classic example of this is your phone bill. Many people pay way too much for a cell phone and a land line. If you have reliable cell phone service in your own home and a good cell phone plan, cancel your home phone subscription. If you feel you are paying too much for cell phone service, switch to a prepaid card. You can purchase a $20 card and make it stretch for the entire month. This will allow you to manage your money better.

After you successfully scrutinize your fixed monthly expenses, look at how much you are currently spending on variable expenses such as groceries, dinners out, gas, cable, clothing and entertainment such as movies. It is important that you look at a realistic account of how much you spend in each of these categories. This will allow you to make realistic adjustments.

Dinner out is another one of those classic examples that can kill money management efforts. If you and your partner eat out once a week you will spend somewhere around $200 a month or more depending on how expensive your taste is.

There is nothing wrong with treating yourself every once in a while for special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, but you are throwing your money out the window if you frequently dine out. Set a limit to the number of times you can eat out that will fit comfortably into your budget. If you can realistically afford to eat out once a month, set the date on your calendar and make it a special night.

Money management skills begin by disciplining your budget. Once you have determined a specific amount of money you can spend each month in each category of your budget create envelopes for each category and label them. One envelope will be for groceries, one for movies, one for gas, etc. Then place the exact amount of cash you calculated in your budget into the envelopes. This money will have to last an entire month, so pace yourself. If you have extra money left over in one of the envelopes when the end of the month rolls around then you can treat yourself to an extra movie or fun activity, or maybe even save it.

If you can follow the budget you have set for yourself, you will be well on your way to having good money management skills.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Money Management

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