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5 Easy Money Ideas

Money is never easy to earn, this is a fact of life. It is a commodity that everyone wants and everyone needs, it is a commodity that everyone could use a little more of. For this reason, Cash is one of those multi dimensional commodities that can provide, food, shelter and anything else the owner of money wishes. Indeed, money is a magic wish. Anything ones heart desires can be secured with ready cash and therefore, it is extremely competitive to get some.

Small quantities of money are easier to get than large quantities. This new perspective, I hope makes sense to you. But money has exponentially magical properties. A few dollars can barely buy you a burger. But at the same time a few bucks anyone can get. Hec, you could put on a nice smile and beg 30 strangers on the street and have $5 or $10 bucks in under an hour. The point I am making is that smaller amounts of money are easier to get because money gets more USEFUL the more you have of it. To prove the point, try begging strangers for $500 each, you may be on the street a long time before anybody would give you that much.

The reason for this phenomenon is because large amounts of money are more useful and can be applied to lifestyle and this is why life changing money is hard to get, while smaller amounts are relatively easy to get. Can you see where I am going with this? By realizing that smaller amounts are easy to get while larger amounts are very hard to get, you may want to focus your business activities on smaller amounts of money but by using some form of leverage, getting many many people to give you those small amounts.

A Million Dollars is very useful. Anybody would agree with that. A million dollars simply put in the bank at 7% interest would give you around $1400 a week in income. Can you see the usefulness of that amount of money? Conversely a thousand dollars at 7% would give you $14 per week, you couldn't buy a decent meal with that.

If your wish is to earn money easy, you would need to focus on smaller amounts. To find 1000 people to give you $1000 dollars each to make $1 million dollars would be a lot tougher than finding 100,000 people to give you $10 dollars each. *which still ads up to a million dollars) The key to making easy money is leverage. There are different types of leverage. Many many types.

The following ideas give you 5 types of leverage that can help you find more people for less work.

1) A sign is a form of leverage. The printed word is much more effective than verbal repetition. Turning back to our begging on the streets example, making a sign that passers-by can read gives you the opportunity to "talk" to 3 to 5 passers-by at the same time because your sign is being read by many pairs of eyes, where as when you talked, you could only speak to one pair of ears at a time.

2) A podium. To keep it simple I will use the begging on the streets example, of course, apply it to your own business interests. Make money easy by talking to many at once. Standing on a soap box introduces leverage because now you are engaging many pairs of ears and eyes at once.

3) Systems. A system is a form of leverage because it streamlines actions into a successful outcome without having to re-invent those actions every time. By identifying correct steps that lead to a desirable outcome and maintaining those steps as a system, you create many successful outcomes without much effort.

4) People leverage. If you can beg on the street at the rate of $10 dollars per hour, you can train 20 people to help you beg, each giving you $5 per hour in exchange for your training. You now leverage your efforts by 20 people.

5) The leverage of a broadcast medium. If you managed to talk to 10 people an hour to get their attention, tell them your story and get a little money from them, you could do much better using a medium with an existing audience. For example, radio, television or the Internet are all examples of a medium that allow leverage.

There is such a thing as easy money and it is definitely small amounts of money. Nobody thinks twice about a few bucks and using leverage to access many such people at once is the key to success.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a remarkable "Rags to riches" story - Free! Quickest-way-to-make-money-on-earth.com

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