วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money and Emotions

Money is an emotional hot button for most people. How do you feel about money?

Some people go shopping when they feel upset and stressed. They go the store or they go online. They rationalize their purchases telling themselves, "I feel stressed. I need to do something to feel good."  So they buy themselves something to gratify an  immediate need. Hmm.

There went the money that may have gone for a different cause for their future. But you know what? It is gone because they were indulging in the momentary "feel good" to satisfy an emotional need.

Some people spend because they feel unloved. Some people only know how to give love by giving what they consider to be expensive gifts. You know, most people really just want the love. They want the time. They want the attention.

Money cannot give you any of those things. Money cannot buy time. Money cannot buy attention. Money cannot buy love. Money cannot buy happiness. Very often money cannot even buy health. If the only thing that matters in life is being well and being happy, realize that money cannot create either of those states for you.                       

Understand your feelings about money. What causes you to spend money? What stops you before you make a purchase? Does anything stop you from making a purchase--no matter how small, no matter how big? How do you feel when you spend money? Does it make you nervous? Does it make you feel comfortable?

How do you feel when you pull out a credit card to make a big purchase? You're all excited about that new big screen TV or that indoor water fountain or that hot tub. How does it feel in that moment when you hand your card to the sales clerk?  

How do you feel when you read the credit card statement and that big expenditure jumps off the page? Are you okay with it or does it bother you? Well, I don't know what it does for you. That is for you to decide. I'm just suggesting notice, pay attention to how you feel when you spend money.

What you focus on expands and manifests in your life. What thoughts play in the background for you regarding money? Discover how your brain and mind influence your choice of focus completely out of your awareness--and what to do about it.Download my free ebook "What You Don't Know You Don't Know" here: http://creatingthelife.com/ebook1.html

You can take control of your finances and finally get ahead. Find out how at http://creatingthelife.com/money.html

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