วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Can Women Make Money Online?

Internet is a powerhouse of resources to make money online. People flock to it when they read a couple of articles about making money online and try out an experiment or, two to ultimately realize that it is not that easy to make money online. They quit, having lost a few thousand dollars in unnecessary things and then start to profess that Internet is full of scam. But the fact still remains that the internet is not all about scams and there are a lot of instances where kids, men and women make money online.

Search the internet for internet marketing millionaires and you would find a lot of men but only a few women. Why are there so many men harnessing the power of the internet? Can a women make money online? I first encountered this question when my wife threw this question at me as I was writing an entry for my blog. The question was something to ponder about. So I responded saying, "Why can't women make money online?"

When I researched further on this question I got my answers. Women do not take to the internet because of the following reasons -

  • They are concerned of their privacy being compromised. They are reluctant to share their identity on a public marketplace like that of the internet for fear of misusing their information.

  • They do not want to get into the hassles of setting up websites, managing them and all the technical codes and html that are attached to it.

  • They felt that they do not have enough material to contribute to the internet which can help them make money.

Their apprehensions could well be understood. My wife was of the opinion that these should not be obstacles but they should act as a stimulus to encourage a women make money online on the internet. I agreed to what she thought.

With internet being the way it is today, you can overcome all of these obstacles.

  • Privacy protection and anti-spamming protocols are so strong these days that your privacy cannot be compromised unless you are too careless.

  • Outsourcing is the name of the game these days. So setting up a website or, managing is not at all difficult and you could very well be on the way to setting up and managing your own website in less than $100.00.

  • Nobody starts off with enough material. But what they start off with is an idea. Women are multi-talented and take care of multiple things at a time. They are the storehouse of multiple ideas borne from the experience of handing multiple things. There are hundreds of other women out there who would benefit from your experience and who are hungry for this information. This information is what can help women make money online on the internet.

4 easy ways that women make money online are as follows:

  1. Blogging - Start a blog with your basic idea. It could be parenting, cooking, managing home and work, child-care, family-care, interior decoration etc. All these make up very interesting reads for a lot of readers and can get your good number of visitors. You may also sell some affiliate products on your blogs which could help you make additional income. Setting up a blog is very easy and you can outsource it for less than $60.00.

  2. EBooks - Write an eBook of whatever information that you are planning to share. Create a PDF file, wrap it up in a good eBook cover which can be designed for less than $50.00 and sell it, on your blogs or, through article marketing. You can even advertise it on relevant blogs owned by others for a nominal charge and you would see yourself re-couping the investment in less than a month.

  3. Article writing - Write about 15-20 articles on the topic of your choice and pack it into a PLR article pack and you can sell it for about $15.00. Sell about 20 of them and you have made $300.00. You can even use these articles in your own blog as well, with a bit of change here and there. You may also sign up freelance article writing services and offer your services for a charge.

  4. Affiliate marketing - This is by far the best source of income on the internet. Set up a blog for free at blogger or, wordpress and promote about 8-10 different affiliate products of your choice and you would be able to make about $4000 - $5000 a month very easily to start off with.

Earning money on the internet is not difficult. All that is required is determination to succeed and a dream that you are following.

The author has helped a lot of people start an online business and is actively involved in article marketing and blogging. You can check out custom blog installation plans and start making money online for a very small investment at his blog here

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