วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Management By Creating A Budget

Money management is much easier to control and understand if you create a well thought out and realistic budget. How do you know what a realistic budget looks like? First of all, you need to recognize that while it is important to cut your spending of frivolous items and daily trips to the vending machines you should still create a section in your budget for fun. This will prevent you from feeling deprived while managing your money, but once that money is gone for the month your spending will have to cease as well.

When creating a budget to manage your money you should begin by writing down all of your fixed monthly expenses. This would include your rent or mortgage, insurance, phone and Internet bills, electric and anything else you receive a monthly bill for, along with their amounts.

Take a close look at each of these items on your list. While some may be unavoidable, there may be others that you are either paying too much for each month or can eliminate altogether. A classic example of this is your phone bill. Many people pay way too much for a cell phone and a land line. If you have reliable cell phone service in your own home and a good cell phone plan, cancel your home phone subscription. If you feel you are paying too much for cell phone service, switch to a prepaid card. You can purchase a $20 card and make it stretch for the entire month. This will allow you to manage your money better.

After you successfully scrutinize your fixed monthly expenses, look at how much you are currently spending on variable expenses such as groceries, dinners out, gas, cable, clothing and entertainment such as movies. It is important that you look at a realistic account of how much you spend in each of these categories. This will allow you to make realistic adjustments.

Dinner out is another one of those classic examples that can kill money management efforts. If you and your partner eat out once a week you will spend somewhere around $200 a month or more depending on how expensive your taste is.

There is nothing wrong with treating yourself every once in a while for special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, but you are throwing your money out the window if you frequently dine out. Set a limit to the number of times you can eat out that will fit comfortably into your budget. If you can realistically afford to eat out once a month, set the date on your calendar and make it a special night.

Money management skills begin by disciplining your budget. Once you have determined a specific amount of money you can spend each month in each category of your budget create envelopes for each category and label them. One envelope will be for groceries, one for movies, one for gas, etc. Then place the exact amount of cash you calculated in your budget into the envelopes. This money will have to last an entire month, so pace yourself. If you have extra money left over in one of the envelopes when the end of the month rolls around then you can treat yourself to an extra movie or fun activity, or maybe even save it.

If you can follow the budget you have set for yourself, you will be well on your way to having good money management skills.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Money Management

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